Why did you keep reading??
Well since you're here i might as well rant. K, so we were at this cici's pizza place and i forgot what the brownies tasted like and HECK they're so freaking good like dang.Fudge brownies aside, i guess i've got to give you some basic info. I like wolves, dragons, and you know, mythical crap. I guess i like MLP. Please refer to me as they since im not giving my gender anytime soon.
My main oc is Doegaze. I'll post art of her soon enough. I have another oc named smoke who's important, too i guess. I'll draw them sometime.
This isn't daily, so lower your expectations.
Welp, bye.
Random book of random
Randomtbh I'm using a overdone clichè to get views. It's just a book 'bout a weird writer who draws and never updates their dang stories.