Or, I rant about Logan Paul for an entire chapter.
If you don't know anything about this drama, here's a quick recap;
Logan went into a suicide forest and is suprised by a dead, hanging, corpse. He then proceeded to make an entire video about it, edit it, and post it completely to youtube. Seriously, did you moral conscience die while you were doing that? He alao put the dead body in his THUMBNAIL. HIS THUMBNAIL.
Not only that, but Hundreds to Thousands of young viewers and children saw this. Hundreds to Thousands. If that's your target audience, then at least think about the demonetization that this video will get, or how many subscribers you'll lose to this.
I get the 'Sorry' video, but your actions spoke louder than your words. I never really cared what you did until now, because this is truly psychopathic.
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Randomtbh I'm using a overdone clichè to get views. It's just a book 'bout a weird writer who draws and never updates their dang stories.