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The camera turns on and you see a girl in an orange prison jumpsuit sitting in front of you. She lifts her hands onto the table and you see that they are binded with handcuffs.

Suddenly a loud voice filled with authority says "Get on with it girl."

"Hold up I'm preparing what i have to say" She said while pushing a strand of her multicolored hair behind her ear. "Hello, Chris, My name is Kayleigh, but everyone here calls me" She makes air quotes " 'the one with the temper'. They are right about that though. I took out 4 guards my first day in juvi and two of them are still in the hospital."

"wrap it up Kayleigh" The same voice from earlier shouts.

"I'll wrap it up when I feel like it." She yells at the man while standing up. She pulls her hands apart harshly and she snaps the chain of the hand cuffs in half. She places her hands on the table and pushes herself up into a standing position. She then punches the man behind the camera in the face. All you see the guard running out of the room clutching his nose.

"Yeah, He had that coming, but anyways i would like to get out of here since I still have two years on my sentence. My special skills are, My strength since I work out every free moment I have. I can sing sort of I got my voice from my mother. I can somewhat draw. And if your wondering I got put into juvi because ---"

She was cut of as the guard came back and drug her out of the room. The guard then comes back and sits in front of the camera. "Please take this girl, on of these days she will end up killing someone"

He then takes his hand off of his nose and shows the camera the blood dripping down and the broken bone that was sticking clear out of his skin. "I swear my face will never look the same. And she only hit me once. I am begging you take her away." Then the camera is shut off.

Total Drama Kayleigh's taleWhere stories live. Discover now