Chapter 27

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"Who the fu-"

I couldn't even finish my vulgarised question. I was whipped away from reality by a dark headed stranger, reality being vampires attacking my boyfriend and brothers. As we ran through town, his hand firmly locked in mine as he dragged me along, I looked to the back of his head. His hair was slick and his long dark coat dripped mystery and 'come-and-figure-me-out' droplets and his green eyes oh so familiar to mine. 

Maybe this was the part of the show where they'd bring him out and say 'he's your brother!' and 'daddy's still alive darling!', but we all know now at least one of them is definitely bullshit. 

I bumped shoulders with many, harder and harder each time somehow. If it weren't so panicked, my mouth would've blabbed onto the antagonist without even thinking twice about it. 

"Where are we going?!" I yelled over the screams, my eyes squinted at the wind slapping the life out of my face. 

My legs slumped forwards speedily, sort of. He didn't even look back to answer me, he looked as if he had his eyes on the prize. he was the type you'd avoid looking at on a football field. His gaze alone could set you on the losing track. 

"Not now!" He yelled back, turning his head slightly. his little green orb poked out the side of his head as he lazily looked back at my submissive stack of bones. 

At that moment I felt like a little kid in the back seat of a car repeating over and over to my sleep-deprived parents 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'. Eventually, they would snap and eventually so would he, I just didn't know it would be so soon. 


We turned corners that even my younger self-hadn't explored in her destitute days. There was new moss on the bricks and new shoe markings on the floor and a whole new stench too. Not a good one might I add, unlike the sweet candy floss wavering at the front of the boardwalk. That's how I knew we were far away. I just couldn't believe after all we'd been through with the vamps, it would eventually be a long haired mysterious guy in a trench coat that would split us all up. 

We went through some trees, going deeper into heavily wooded areas. all of my horror movie fantasies came alive at that moment. I just wished that at that moment I had a pocket to put all the people in considering I was here in a forest while they were all running around like headless chickens and possibly dying in the boardwalk. I didn't even dare think about the three musketeers but there was always that glimmer of hope that lay within me at times like this. 

Instead of my friends, I was thinking about Max for some remarkable reason. I never understood why he never came after me or why he became the head vampire. Ohh, the dangers of a fanged life. Better than living int he streets and almost ended up killed by relative fangs in the end. I'm sorry I saw him burn but I felt nothing. There was no connection. 

We stopped running once the moonlight soothed the trees and a somewhat secure ambience transpired from the crisp leaves of the foliage. My hands grasped my bare knees as I gasped for breath, I heard deep breaths next to me doing the same but somewhat cooler. It seemed this way in every situation with him. 

I looked up to see him panting through his mouth, looking at the sky. Before I could stop myself, he was immobilised against the harsh bark but nothing that his cape couldn't protect him from. 

"Whats your deal huh? Why am I here?" I gnarred, I could feel every gulp he took through his neck as my arm grazed it. 

"Relax, relax" he wheezed holding up his hands. 

I stepped back, awaiting a white flag to emerge from out of his ass and wave up higher than the trees. Instead came a cigarette and a lighter, he offered me one smoothly. My glare replied for me. 

"Look I can see why this might look weird and all me rushing you out of here but the way I think of it the extreme always seems to make an impression and if my moralities didn't kick in then you could be dead, right now."

"Oh great. Thank you" I crossed my arms, along with my eyebrows. 

"Look if you're worried about your friends and your little boyfriend, don't. I can assure you they're fine, that'll all blow over it's no big deal."

"No big deal? No big deal! If it's no big deal then how can you describe all the chaos you insensitive asshole?!" I exclaimed, inhaling his smoke as I stomped towards him. 

His cartoon mannerisms unveiled as he blew smoke out of his nose, like a trick he'd been practising for weeks. He held his hands up with a menacing smirk. 

"Chaos was what killed the dinosaurs, darling."

You're fucking kidding me.

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