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I haven't talked to Harry since he had fought Robbie. And I couldn't stop thinking about what I had told him hours before that. What if he just dropped me? What if he hated me now? I bit my lip and looked down at my white colored Keds as I tried not to think about it. I was currently on the main stage where Harry and I practiced our dance moves, which made it even harder not to think about. My sister, Lisa, was singing some song for the beach play she was in, I was painting a palm tree. Just then I heard the door slam shut, making me look towards it and bite down on my lip. Speaking of the devil. He glanced up at me, making he hurry up and look back at what I was painting.

Some older woman came up to Harry, biting her lip and trying to be attractive while Harry just nodded his head at whatever she had said. I frowned as I watched her walk away from him and back to a table full of men, to one man in particular. My eyes go back to Harry, his head turning over his shoulder as I quickly turn my head back to my paintbrush.

I see Harry walk over to the table and converses to the woman's husband, I assume. The man puts money in Harry's hand with a smirk. Harry says something and both the man and the woman's face drops. He puts the money back on the table before walking off. I drop my paintbrush as I watch him leave, a faint smile on my face.

"Hey, baby. I've decided to go all the way with Robbie tonight." Lisa says, bending down to me with a smirk on her face,"He doesn't even know it."

She starts to walk off as I shake my head and call out her name but she just ignores me. I ran a hand through my hair out of habit.

♡ ♡ ♡

I kiss Harry as he caresses me in his arms. It was raining and I was in his room, a vinyl playing while we laid in bed. It was peaceful and we were to ourselves. It couldn't get any better. I wonder what my parents would think if they could see me now. I let a smile ghost over my lips as I use my thumbs to play with Harry's rose coloured lips.

"You know, I had a dream," He whispers, his green eyes looking from one of my brown eyes to the other,"Your father had saw us out together in public, and he actually liked me. He patted me on the back like he did Robbie." A faint smile is on his lips as I lean in to kiss them.

"Well, my sister was going to give him her all but found him in bed with another women, so I don't think he'll be patting Robbie on the back anymore." I say, rolling my eyes as I sit up. Robbie was such a dog.

"Yeah, but I'll still never be looked at as anything more." He says, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. I frown as I bring his hand up to my mouth.

"I should get going, it's getting late." I whispered, getting up from the bed, Harry doing the same.

He gives me a kiss goodbye and I'm soon on my way back to my cabin.

♡ ♡ ♡

I was sitting down with my family once again eating breakfast in the main house. I take a sip out of my orange juice as I look over to Louis who is telling us about a man's wallet missing.

"Yeah, someone alerted us that Harry was walking by.." Mack says, lighting his cigar. I immediately sat my cup of orange juice down.

"No, no. That can't be right. Harry didn't do it." I say, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked from my father to Mack and Louis. "You have to trust me on this one, daddy."

"Sorry, baby. I don't trust that kid." He says, shrugging. Mack rolls his eyes, getting up.

"No, there has to be a mistake, Harry didn't do this! You know, it could've been someone else! Smiths! You know, I saw a bunch of wallets in Mrs. Smith's bag when she had bumped into me. They were at Hilton! Something was stolen there, too, right?" I say, desperately trying to get the heat off Harry's back. I didn't want to tell the truth. What do I do?!

"I have witnesses and he has no alibi." Mack states firmly,"Come, Louis. You'll see what it's like to fire an employee." Fuck. I had to tell them.

"Wait, Mack, listen, um." I exhale nervously,"I know Harry didn't take the wallet...I-I know, because he was in his room all night. And I know that...because....I-I was with h-him." I finish, looking from Mack to my father, his face going pale.

♡ ♡ ♡

I walk up to my father. He was sitting in a chair on the dock, his feet up as he stared into the deep blue of the lake.

"I told you I was telling the truth and you didn't trust me..." I say, playing with my fingers as I wait for his response. No response as he blinks.

"I'm sorry I lied." I say,"But you lied, too. You told me everyone deserves a second chance. But you meant everyone who's like you."

"You told me you want me to change the world and make it better, but you meant by becoming a lawyer, a doctor or economist and marrying someone from Harvard or Stanford. I'm not proud of myself but I'm in this family, too, and you can't keep ignoring me."

"A lot of things you thought about me is not what you like. But if you love me like you claim you do, you have to love all the things about me. And I love you, and I'm sorry I let you down, but you let me down, too." I wipe my tears as I run off. He didn't even say anything to me.

♡ ♡ ♡

I felt a hand on my leg as I open my eyes. I had went up into Harry's room and fell asleep on his bed waiting for him. "Hey! They found the Smith's. They were the ones who stole the wallets, they have been wanted in Nevada and Virginia...they'd made a fortune here this summer." He smiles as I smile and wrap my arms around his neck standing up.

"Oh, god, Harry, that's wonderful!" I beam, kissing the corner of his lips and I smile at him. I see him frown and I frown, too. "What's wrong?"

"I'm out, Ariana." He sighs, his eyes going to the floor. I clench my fists as I step back from him.

"They fired you anyway, because of me." I say, realizing what's going on,"I embarrassed my family, me, you, for nothing!" I yell as I'm about to cry.

"No, no, baby. You didn't do it for nothing. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." He smiles, me biting down on my lip to keep my tears back. So he's gone and I may never see him again because of my stupid mistake. I'm so stupid.

♡ ♡ ♡

I see Harry coming towards me, dressed in all black as usual. He looks so handsome. I grin as he comes my way. I get off the top of his car and stand in front of him.

"I'm gonna miss you, Ariana." He says taking off his shades and looking at me in the eye. I pull him in for a hug, closing my eyes and exhaling his scent as my fingers roam his clothed back. I'm gonna miss you too, and I love you.

"I'm gonna miss you, too, Harry." I say, kissing his lips as we had stepped back from our embraced.

"I'll see you." He says, going over to the driver side of his car as I back away. I watch as he starts the car and leaves, the dust leaving with him. My heart was broken. I hated this.

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