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"DANCE WITH me." He whispered, grabbing my hand and bringing me close to him. My heart beat was going so fast, I'm surprised he couldn't hear it, but this was a once in a lifetime chance. I knew Harry had girls practically throwing themselves at him. He was beautiful, a true work of art. I looked up to him, but he was already looking down at me.

I blushed as I put my hands on his shoulders, sliding them down his chest as slow as I can to savour the moment. I didn't care if he didn't have abs, his tattoos were a masterpiece. I traced the butterflies on his stomach, biting my lip as my hands landed on the button of his black jeans. He didn't stop me, he just watched, wanting me to go further. Not yet.

I slid my fingers back up to his neck, the song changing as I gripped the hair at his neck and brought him closer to me. His lips brushed mine, his green eyes locked on my boring brown ones. After a few seconds, he got closer, his lips finally landing on mine. He was kissing me. Harry Styles was kissing me. I was shocked all of this was happening. I kissed him back, his hands coming to rest on my waist as he brung me even closer, if that was possible.

He started to sway his body in rhythm to the music playing, me swaying with him. He broke the kiss, hooking his arm around my waist and bending me back, a smile on my face as I came back up. He smirked, raising my hands up while he gripped the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head and throwing it on the floor with all his other clothes. I didn't feel nervous anymore, like I knew what I was doing. I did. I wasn't a virgin.

Before he could do anything else I dropped to my knees, looking up at him through my eyelashes, his hooded dark green eyes looking back at me. I unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down and placed my hand on his lower stomach. He groaned, his hand coming to grip my hair. Biting my lip, I slowly dragged my pointer finger down in an 'S' motion, watching him as I did it. "Ariana, baby, fuck," He panted as he gripped my hair a little harder than before. I then traced the top of his boxers, debating if I should keep teasing him or just do it. I should just get to it.

I pulled down his black boxers, his erection coming up to slap his stomach. I bit my lip as I stared at it. Biting my lip was a nervous tick and I couldn't help it. Harry was big. Bigger than what I had dealt with before. I've only had sex once. Looking towards him, he had a smirk on his face. "Go ahead,"

I looked at it once more before putting my hand on it, stroking up and down as I heard Harry groan and whimper, telling me to spit on it. I did just that, watching as his hips bucked up into my hand, my face coming into close contact with it because of the way he was pulling my hair all different directions.

"Baby, I'm going to come, stop." He groaned, but I wasn't going to stop. I didn't want to. Maybe I should do what the girls at my school said they would do to their boyfriend's. I looked up at him, stroking even slower as I slipped my tongue out my mouth, putting on the tip of his dîck and licking up it. He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowing as I didn't stop but only added more. "You're teasing me, baby girl." He said as my tongue went from the bottom of his shaft to the top, swirling around the tip. With one more hip buck, he came. I smiled as I licked it up, his grip on my hair releasing as he let out his final moans.

"Ariana.." He laughed breathlessly.

♡ ♡ ♡

I was laying in the bed with Harry, tracing his different tattoos as we talked about many things. Where he was from, his family, mine, what we wanted to do. I was currently tracing the swallows on his chest as he traced circles on my hips.

"How many women have you been with?" I asked, looking at him.

"What kind of question is that?" He laughed, getting up from the bed to go put on his black jeans he had on the previous night. I smirked as I remembered last night.

"Just tell me," I said. I really wanted to know, I wouldn't be mad.

"You know, baby, when you're from the streets, and rich women start throwing themselves at you, you can't really control yourself. Women here, clean themselves up good and wear makeup! Women back home never looked as good as anyone here." He said, slipping a shirt on. I had nothing on up under the blanket, and no we didn't do anything more last night but lay here. I didn't mind it, though. I let the blanket go as I crawled to the end of the bed where he was. I felt so dirty, but I was dirty for him. For Harry.

I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, bringing him down to me so I could kiss his lips. He kissed me back, placing one of his hands on my waist, the other traveling downwards. I gasped as I felt his cold ring on his thumb come in contact with my cIit. He retracted his hand, and his lips as he gave me a wink before gathering my clothes and throwing them to me. "Come on, I know the bed is comfortable but you gotta get up."

omg that was like my first smut scene fr tell me how i did. if it was bad i won't do anymore LMAO love you guys please tell me how i did


dirty dancing ; hariana Where stories live. Discover now