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SITTING BESIDE my mom and sister, we tried on wigs. I was currently trying on a jet black wig that looked like my sister's natural hair, however mine was dirty blonde, matching my dad's. "Ladies, each and everyone of you looks very good." I heard that same slow, deep and raspy voice say. I quickly took off the wig and put it down, starting to brush down my long hair as I looked towards his way, trying to get his attention with a small smile on my face. He was standing next to Susan, who is the girl he dances with and who I found out, used to be a rockette.

I didn't get to catch his attention because he quickly said something to Susan, kissed her cheek and left. I decided to be brave and have a word with her.

"I'm so envy of you." I sighed, looking at her pretty blonde hair that was combed back, her blue eyes looking down at me, her tall figure, her skinny shape, her pretty nails. She had it all.

"I wouldn't. My mom kicked me out at 16." She said, rolling her eyes as she shut the suitcase that held the wigs we were trying on and left me, biting my lip in thought.

♡ ♡ ♡

I was in a cardigan, it covering my overalls and I looked down at my all white keds. We were outside in a dance area and I saw Harry, dancing with some older women. I didn't want to see and I really wanted to just forget about him since he didn't pay me mind. They probably just thought of me as a baby. Hence my nickname. I shook my head, looking over to dad, who was talking to Mack. Just then, I saw the last person I would want to see, Louis. He strolled over in my direction, putting his arm over my shoulder. "Wanna go for a walk, baby?" I nodded my head, following him out of here. Anything to get away from Harry's handsome face. I liked him a lot.

We walked out onto a small bridge, Louis playing with my hair while I looked out onto the water. Crickets chirping, the wind blowing slightly, everything was nice. "I love to watch your hair blowing in the breeze." He commented, me looking at him. I shouldn't have said yes to coming here with him.

"My parents are probably looking for me." I say, prepared to leave until he cups my cheek with his hand. Big but nothing compared to Harry. "They know you're with me. They can trust me, baby." He smiles, a shuffling in the trees as we both look over. I see my sister and that guy from the main house. Robbie.

"Robbie, don't ever try that again." She huffs, pulling her strap up over her shoulder as he follows her. They don't see us and I look down at my keds.

"Sorry you had to see that, baby." Louis sighs, "Sometimes you see things you don't wanna see. You hungry?" I looked back at him, shrugging. We walked to the kitchen, him opening the door and naming all types of food. "Ice cream? Chicken?.." He kept going but I couldn't help but look around, hearing a faint sniff until I looked down to see Susan, crying on the floor. My eyes widened as she met my gaze but said nothing. I had to tell Harry.

"You know what Louis? I need to check on my sister...." I said, grabbing onto his hand and leading us out of the kitchen. He nodded and said he was going to be in the main diner until I got back. I nodded and began to run towards the dance shack, running to Niall and telling him everything I saw while looking in Harry's direction, which he was still dancing with that woman.

Niall nodding, going over to tell Harry. His face dropped instantly as he ran to the kitchen, Niall after him, and so was I. "What is she doing here?" He snarled, looking at me. I bit my lip, thinking we were past that stage as I kept following Niall.

"She's the one who told me." He shrugged, still going towards the direction of the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, trying not to sound like I was about to cry.

dirty dancing ; hariana Where stories live. Discover now