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I sat on my bed as I stretched out my white stockings. So far, so bad. I've been feeling nothing but...nothing. I don't feel. I've been numb for the past two days. Silly. I never thought you could fall in love in such a short period of time but the frown on my face never went away and I cried my self to sleep. We were leaving this weekend and I haven't gotten a letter or a phone call or anything from Harry. I loved him and I don't even think he really cared about me. That's a lie. He cares so much for me. If only my daddy could see.

My sister comes in the room and makes her way over to me. I don't look up from my stockings, probably putting ruins in them. "Baby, let me do your hair." She says. I finally look up at her,"I can make it look pretty. It's not like it's already pretty, but..." She trails off. I nodded at her, a small smile coming across her face.

I was sitting in the corner, watching as my sister along side Louis and other members of the camp sung their farewell song. I couldn't even enjoy it. My sisters screeching voice, the stiff dance moves. I couldn't take it anymore. I took a sip from my glass of water as I give my daddy a death stare. He doesn't notice, though. Before I could say anything smart, he gets up and makes his way towards Robbie. If only he knew Robbie was the exact opposite.

I rolled my eyes as I turned my attention back to the show. My dad comes back, looks at me and sits down. After watching for a few more minutes, I decide it's time to just leave and go on a nice walk before I leave, but before I can do so, Harry steps into my line of view. Wait, Harry? I feel a smile breaking onto my face as my dad looks up at him.

"Nobody puts baby in a corner." He says, holding his hand out to me, which I gladly take before my dad tells me no. I follow Harry up to the stage, where he walks up to the microphone, stopping the horrible singing. Thank god.

"Hey, everybody. I'm Harry. I was a dancer here before I got fired and I was picked to pick the last dance of the show, which I had only pitched my idea to be shut down. But, one person stood by my side the whole time through it, never left me, always encouraged me. She one of the most amazing, most kind, and most gorgeous woman I've ever grown to know. Her name is Ariana Grande." He speaks into the mic, looking over towards me with that boyish smirk, the crowd clapping for me.

"Now I'm gonna dance, the way I want to, with the person I want, because I feel it in my heart. Just like I feel the love I have for you, Ariana." I'm a blushing mess. He just admitted he loved me, in front of my parents, in front of everyone but I didn't care because I loved him, too. I grinned at him as he came closer, nodding his head towards something as I heard the beginning of I've Had the Time of my Life start to play. He grabs my waist with one hand, my hand in the other as we do the mambo. The dance that brought us close together. I couldn't take my eyes away from his as I remembered everything he had taught me. My frame, my feet, his heartbeat. My smile grew even bigger as I thought about it, the moves now seeming to just flow through me without me stopping it. When I danced with Harry it was like no one else was there. Cliche, but I mean it. My eyes were so focused on his mesmerizing eyes and persona that I had forgot we were standing before a crowd of people.

After doing the first part of our dance, he jumps down from the stage, the back of him facing me while he dances to the other side of the room, the chairs on either side of him. After making it to the other side, he turns back around, looking straight at me while he bucks his hips up, the people behind him doing his same exact dance moves. I didn't know the moves so I just swayed to the rhythm of the beat while he came closer. He reaches mid room, looking at me with a smirk as he nods. I nod, too. I knew what he was asking me. The people that were behind him were now in front of me, helping me come down from the stage. I grin as I sprint to him, bouncing up into his arms. And we were doing it! We were doing it! We did the swan! I balanced myself for a while, dropping my head to look at Harry as he brought me back down, grins on each of our faces. My cheeks had started hurting but I didn't care. Everyone around us had gotten up from their seat and was now dancing. We were doing our own thing, in the center of it all, just letting loose and let our body groove to the music.

"Look, Harry," I hear, Harry and I turning to look at my father,"Robbie told me the truth." He says, and my eyebrows raise in shock.

"I was wrong about the way I treated you," Dad says,"I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."

Harry just nods, too speechless to speak as he just stares at my father. Dad looks to me with a smile on his face,"You looked so good out there tonight, pumpkin." He says, pulling me into a hug and kissing the side of my head. "I love you." I whisper in his ear.

After dad had left, we were just swaying, mouthing the words of the song together. He had told me he loved me, me telling him the same. I was finally happy and I had found my very first true love. I love him so much.

I love her so much.


ahhhhh it's been a pleasure writing this book the end was terrible but omg i didn't know how to do it because basically it's just DANCING. but AHHH. i might make bonus chapters for in the future. awww !! i think i will!!! but love you guys thank you so much for reading this!!!!!!!! I will go back and make little edits now since I have finished 😂❤️😢love y'all.

dirty dancing ; hariana Where stories live. Discover now