Hey it's human trash Zoe there and I want to be serious with you guys so as you know if you been following me for awhile I took two long breaks and tbh I didn't knew if I was going to return to wattpad well two exes and some heartbreak later I returned and everything was great for the first couple days so great I questioned why I lefted in the first place.
Than I realized it's because this site holds so much negativity there is a cyber bully on there and she got a taste of her own medicine but now people are giving her whatever she wants because she threw a fit so now there she is getting rewarded for bad behavior and I guarantee she's going to hurt people again that's mostly why I left she ruined my faith in this site and my faith in people in general. I am always at conflict when I think of the situation because there are people I love involved but you can't please everyone I learned that the hard way and you definitely shouldn't spend your time and energy on toxic obsessive people who gets a lady boner from controlling your life.
Then there is the fact that I feel like I am always in this losing competition between Jerome's and I can't help that I feel this way and no matter how people reassure me I will always feel like I am this shitty anon I don't know why and I honestly wish I didn't.