Lei, Lady, Lei

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"Do you expect me to wear... this?"

Mason Eckhart held the shirt at arm's length with the tip of his gloved fingers, and looked as if it was about to bite him.

Studying the contents of Catherine's closet with the same attention she dedicated to a GC/MS spectrum match, Rebecca Steyn-Eckhart was the very picture of innocence. "No, I expect you to wear what you always wear."

"This is vile." Mason looked disgusted at the shirt and all its magenta, turquoise and lime green glory.

Rebecca turned to Catherine, Mason's daughter, now a young woman in her late teens, sitting at the edge of the bed, folding clothes and arranging them in a large suitcase open on the floor. "Do you think it will chill down at night?"

"In the tropics? I think the nights will be balmy and sweet." Catherine pursed her lips. "But you can take a pashmina or two, just in case."

Rebecca smiled, nodded and turned back to the closet. It was good to be girly, discuss what to wear at night as opposed to the day, just for a change. It was good to leave the lab coats and sensible shoes behind, and replace them with short colorful summer dresses and high-heeled sandals. Uh, oh, she needed a new bathing suit. Actually, she just realized she needed a bathing suit. Period. She didn't have any! Maybe she would buy a bikini.

"If memory serves me well," she said without taking her eyes from Catherine's clothes, "the last time you were out in the sun for hours was... uhmm... the Genomex picnic in 2007?" She heard Mason harrumph. "How many pounds did you sweat off? I forget..."

A stifled giggle sounded behind her. Catherine was always amazed by her repartees with Mason. The way Rebecca led him to do exactly what she wanted was masterful. "And what did Dr. Prodana say?"

Leaning against the doorframe, the garish Hawaiian shirt forgotten on a chair, Mason stubbornly crossed his arms on his chest, an annoyed look on his face. "She said I should go without my exoskin, and spend time outdoors. My immune system is holding thanks to the new leukocyte therapy. I should start building up resistance to the outside world." He turned to Catherine. "It is unbelievable I let you talk me into taking a vacation!"

"Now of all times is the right time, Mason." Rebecca was studying the girl's jeans for wear and tear. "Adam is busy with the penitentiary design, there are no crises looming in the horizon..."

"It was quite amusing the way that district attorney, what is his name? McCoy, dealt with Adam." Mason actually laughed out loud. "He kept pushing and Adam was holding the arms of his chair so tight he was about to crunch them!"

Sensing Catherine's discomfort at the direction the conversation was taking, Rebecca decided to change the subject back to the matter at hand. The girl liked Adam, who had really tried to help her fickle witch of a mother when she was in desperate trouble.

"Why don't you try it on?" suggested Rebecca, picking up the toothy shirt from the chair. "You might even like it. It won't stick to you permanently, I promise."

"This is so... undignified!"

"So are these!" Rebecca looked at Catherine. The girl had a few shopping bags in her hands and passed them to Rebecca, who promptly started pulling out several other Hawaiian shirts and printed shorts to go with them. Mason's groan was thunderous. "No one looks dignified at resorts, Mason. They relax! They have fun!"

From yet another bag, Catherine pulled a pair of man's Bierkenstocks. "Don't forget these. And no socks with'em, either. We won't be seen with you if you wear socks."

That was a conspiracy to commit fashion murder! Mason shook his head, mockingly, and faced Catherine. God, he loved that girl! "I expected much better of you, young woman."

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