Engineered Doom

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Rebecca held her hands lightly on Catherine's forehead and flushed cheeks.

"You're running a fever. You're burning up."

Rebecca helped Catherine up to the couch. Catherine was still heaving, but nothing was left in her stomach. She shivered with sudden chills.

"She's really hot, Mason. We've got to bring her temperature down."

"I'll fill up the tub."

Only two of the room's lamps were lit, casting a soft glow, but Catherine shielded her eyes from their light. "My eyes hurt, and my head feels ready to split open. What's wrong with me?"

"I don't know, but the first thing we have to do is lower your temperature." Rebecca sat down beside Catherine on the couch, holding her hand and hoping her stepdaughter could not tell how worried she was.

"When did this start?"

"I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I thought it was sore after hours in a pressurized cabin, but it didn't get any better. In the afternoon, I started getting sore all over."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't think it would last...and I guess I was selfish. I didn't want to miss any of the fun." She swallowed hard. "Right before dinner, I started feeling really bad. I thought that must be because of lunch. That's why I decided not to have dinner and to go to bed early. I came back here, made some tea, and went to bed."

With alarm, Rebecca noted beads of sweat glistening on Catherine's forehead. The room's air conditioning was in fact set a little too chilly for Rebecca's comfort.

"I woke up in the middle of the night, and started throwing up. I'm not sure how long I was in the bathroom. I got the shivers and wrapped myself in a couple towels."

She coughed, and then continued. "Finally, I got worried and decided to knock on your door. This is as far as I got."

Mason emerged from the bathroom. "The water's ready."

"She's very weak. I'm going to need some help with her."

Rebecca helped Catherine stand, then they both half-carried her to the Jacuzzi, lowering her in, pajamas and all.

"I don't think we should wait until morning to get her to a doctor," Rebecca said.

"I agree. I'll get Moeller in here to watch her while we get dressed."

Mason carried a small transmitter on a chain around his neck, and entered a code that would summon the GS agent posted outside their door. Moments passed and nothing happened.

Mason stalked off to the door, opening it cautiously. Then he threw it wide open. Agent Moeller was sprawled across the entry, hair soaked in sweat. Mason keyed the codes to bring the other three agents running; if they were asleep, the transmitter activated alarms.

Moments later, the other agents emerged from the bungalow across the pool.

Even in their underwear, they all look alike, Mason mused.

"I need you to bring Mr. Moeller inside."

"Sir, what happened to him?"

"He appears to be extremely ill. Once you have him inside, close the door. Mr. Shaheen, come with me and get some wet towels. We have to work on his fever."

Agent Shaheen was startled by the sight of Catherine in the Jacuzzi and Rebecca tending to her.

Mason tossed every towel in the bathroom into the water, then he began handing dripping towels to Shaheen. "Get his shirt off, and start mopping him down with these towels."

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