The Kindness of Strangers

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"All security to stations. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill."

Mutants of all kinds, AR&D security, ran purposefully to their battle stations, following the training drilled into them so many times by Brennan Mulwray and Harry Bloomenfeld. Men and women in the Beast Brigade's black uniform passed through hallways and rooms, placing themselves strategically. A black young woman stood with her back against a wall and disappeared, using her chameleonic powers, another young woman with greenish hair gracefully dove into the water mirror by the main entrance and disappeared, turning her molecular body liquid. A blond man, light refracting elemental bent the light around his body assuming his stealth capabilities and vanished from view.

"What the hell is going on?" Dr. Angela Fontenelle, hospital's director, stepped out of the elevator, her cane tap-tapping on the floor as she made her way through the lobby to the main entrance.

Almost knocking the Avian hybrid off her feet, Shalimar Fox ran past her. "We are under attack!"


Shalimar kicked the main door wide open and assumed a battle stance, ready to protect the hospital from the potential invaders. Angela was close behind her.

On the parking lot, a dozen GS agents in their inevitable gray trench coats and shades stood at attention, stun sticks in their hands. Black GSA SUVs were strategically parked, blocking all traffic from either entering or leaving the hospital. A gray sedan was parked in the middle of the parking lot. The two forces eyed each other in a way that reminded Angela of a western style showdown, like two gangs, the Earps and the Clantons at the OK Corral. After a few minutes of the furrowed brows and hard stares, Angela was quite fed up.

"Enough silly melodrama!"

In a perfectly rehearsed movement, three GSAgents opened the passenger doors of the sedan. A lean man in a black pinstripe suit, his white hair gleaming in the sun, emerged from the back seat, followed by a handsome red-haired woman in her early forties and another woman with brown hair, carrying an ordinary-looking picnic cooler with extreme care.

"I couldn't agree more." Mason Eckhart's voice was low and measured. "Dr. Fontenelle?

"Mr. Eckhart..." The bird woman swallowed dry. "To what do I owe the honor of your visit?"

"There is a life and death matter affecting all mutants." He looked around. "Shall we discuss it here in the sun?"

The Avian was quite baffled. She looked at Shalimar, who was flashing feral eyes at the uninvited visitors. "Certainly not. Let's go to my office."

Mason ascended the steps leading to the main entrance and came face to face with Shalimar, who stood her ground, blocking his way.

"Miss Fox, I have been invited inside by Dr. Fontenelle."

"Shalimar, please... step aside. Mr. Eckhart and his party are my guests."

Shalimar stood her ground.

"Well, if we must, we can talk here on the steps if your feline feral won't allow us inside." Eckhart sighed, annoyed with Shalimar.

The brown-haired woman with the picnic cooler sat down on the second step, holding onto the cooler.

The slightly younger woman shrugged. "I warned you, Mason, that anything to do with Adam would be a waste of our time. I'm in no mood for games."

"What would you have us do, Dr. Fontenelle?"

"Shalimar, you mean well, but in this case, let them through."

Shalimar pursed her lips and looked back at Eckhart and the others, flashing feral eyes, lingering upon the red-haired woman. Most humans found her feral eyes disturbing and threatening, but this woman met her eyes without a hint of fear or retreat, and it was Shalimar who looked away, stepping aside with a flourished courtesy, and allowing them all to pass.

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