Chapter 3- when Jealousy kicks in...

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Hello Chapter 3 is here!! ENJOY!!

Maka's POV

It was raining hard....

And I heard the thunder clashing outside... I got scared.

The sound of the thunder adds the scary things in my dreams that turns into nightmare.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and started shaking and sweating.

Kid woke up and shove me.

"Maka! What's wrong!? Wake up!" He said with shock.

"Aaaaaaa!!!" I sat quickly and heard clashing thunder and went back to the blanket to hid, shaking.

"Hey, it's ok, Maka. It's ok. It's just the thunder. Why be so scared?" He said as he calms me down

His voice calms me down and I took a deep breath and let all the fear out.

"Thanks Kid" I smiled.

"No problem now, go to sleep." He went back to sleep and snuggled behind my back and wrapping his arms in my waist.

And before I knew it, I went back to sleep. Snuggling in Kid's chest.

Do I have feelings for Kid or this is a feeling of appreciation? I became confused in my mind.


Soul's POV

"Ugh... Maka where are u?" I question her absence after last night going to Kid's house.

"Better find her later after I eat and and change my clothes.


"Ok... Blair don't mess this house ok?" She meowed.

Then I went to Shibusen to find Maka.

Then, at class crescent moon. I saw Kid and Maka laughing and talking about something.

I became jeaslous because Kid is being flirty around Maka.

I came near him and grabbed his collar.

"HEY!, WHY ARE U WITH MY MEISTER?!" He still stayed calm.

"Why a high temper, Soul?" He grinned.


Then everyone in the class became noisy because of the comotion.

"Hey, I'm not touching your GIRLFRIEND, Soul. She's at my house because we studied. Then she didn't went home because it was late and it was raining ok?" He still stayed in his poker face but I know he has a thing for Maka.

"Hey, she's not my GIRLFRIEND. Ok? We're just friends." By the word "GIRLFRIEND" I blushed.

I let go of Kid and and calmed myself.

"If you ever touch my meister, you dead!" And went back to my seat.

After what happened, I looked at Maka and she blushed for what I said.

Then went to my seat and stayed quiet because of embarrassment.

Maka's POV

I looked at Soul and I blushed a bit and went to my reading. After like few minutes...

Just when classes started, Stein entered and as usual he stumbles down at the floor.

I tried not to laugh but Black⭐️star failed.

"HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I guess he can't take the awesomeness of my godliness" he grinned proudly.

"MAKA......." I aimed.

"CHOP...!!!!!!!!!!!!" I slammed a 1000 page book on his head.


"That's for laughing at our teacher." She give a annoyed face.

"Ok, class. Today we are gonna talk about the parts of soul and later on we will encounter new fighting techniques with your partners" he said.

Then after a few minutes, I felt something staring at me. It was Soul.

I noticed him while I was copying Prof. Stein's lecture.

I stared him back and he quickly turned back and I saw him blushed.

I giggled and went to listening to Prof. Stein.

Soul's POV

Ah..... She looks so beautiful when she is concentrating to Stein.

I can't take my eyes of her.

I mean... Just look at her.

Her shiny emerald eyes, her ash blonde hair, her soft pink lips, her bravery, her soul, her body...

Wait, WHAT! Soul why are you thinking that around your partner like that. THAT'S SO UNCOOL!

Then after a few minutes, she noticed me staring at her.

As she look at me our eyes met and I quickly turned away and blushed.

But failed to hide it.

Damn u soul, your caught!

I mentally slapped myself and went back to listening to stein.

After a few minutes....

Kid's POV

I saw everything that had happened with Soul and Maka.

Why do have a sudden feeling that was... Burning in my chest?

Is that what other people call it... Jealousy?

I shook my head to not think about it.

After that I just spaced out and think about Maka.

Author's note

Hey guys. It's me AliplierGAME.

and I just wanna say, I'm so sorry for the negative comments that I give.

I just can't handle it before because of some problems that joined that comment.

Pls. I hope ya'll forgive me and pls. Comment, vote and follow me if you wanna to and once again, I hope ya'll for give me for those

Comments. We all are sinners and we can't escape in making sins. But anyway, I know ya'll are nice people and I know y'all can

Forgive me.

Anyways, this is Prof_F_Stein( I changed my name) ^_^ signing off. ^_^

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