Chapter 22

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After a couple of hours there was a knock on the door and CC came in with Sammy. 

"How is she?" asked Sammy and sat down on the chair CC placed on the other side of the bed for her.

I stayed silent.

"Andy?" CC asked concerned and gently nudged my shoulder.

"She had a miscarriage." i told them quietly and looked down at my fingers.

"What?" Sammy started tearing up.

"She had a miscarriage because of Scout, when Olivia was pulled off of stage the impact between her and the concrete floor must have been to hard for the baby to survive." 

"Oh my god." CC whispered and sat on Olivia's bed with his head in his hands. 

"CC... dude it's fine, we can have more children in the future." i told him trying to cheer him up. But he only responded by nodding in his hand and hiccuping. I stood up and sat next to him on the bed and gently hugged him from the side. "CC, come on cheer up, it's not the end of the world." 

He looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and eyes filled with tears trying to escape "I know you can have more kids, but i was going to be an uncle for the first time, and i - i - i just was really excited."

Sammy walked up to us and sat next to CC and hugged him from the other side "We are in this together." She said.


Olivia's P.O.V

Waking up was the worst thing i have ever done. Immediately closing my eyes and opening them again for them to adjust to the light i looked around the room to find that a machine or a monitor was next to me and following the wires they ended up where my hand was. Looking down at the bed i realized that i was in a hospital bed and the machines were beeping which were giving me a headache.

I sighed and laid back down on the bed trying to ignore the beeping sound on the right, but i knew i couldn't. After a minute or two i groaned and sat back up and stared down at my stomach and started to rub it. 

"Hello little one, i can't wait to see you." i whispered and smiled.

I heard voices outside my door and i looked up to see Andy enter, His hair looked longer than before and he looked really tired. I bet he stayed here for a while, i feel sorry for him.  when he eventually looked up and saw me that i was awake he ran to me and hugged me tightly. 

"Your awake." he quietly repeated in my ear. "Your awake."

"Yes i am." i giggled and broke the hug to cup his face in my hand and gently kiss his lips.

"You OK?" he asked. "Your not in any pain are you? Do you want me to call the nurse? I will get the doc-" interrupting him with a kiss.

"You talk to much." i smiled at him and hugged him again tightly, i don't want him to let go. But he broke away this time and stroked my cheek.

I know who you are (Andy Biersack Story) *Sequel i didn't know it was you* :FIN:Where stories live. Discover now