Chapter 21

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I saw someone push to the front and saw a familiar face i frowned because she walked straight towards me and smiled evilly, she grabbed my hand which was extended to the crowd and threw me off of stage and i landed on the concrete floor.

"OLIVIA!!" Everything was blurry and someone ran to my side and i felt them grab my hand, which I couldn't move.

"Olivia? can you hear me?" he asked. I think it was Andy.

"Andy?" i gasped in pain.

"Yes baby its me." He replied.

"It was Scout." i told him before the world around me went blurry and then black.


Andy's P.O.V

It's been a week now since the accident with Olivia being pushed off the stage by Scout and i haven't left Olivia's side only when the band mates told me to shower and actually get food and water into my system, i tried to object because i wanted to be beside Olivia but of course Ashley dragged me away. 

Now i'm back at the hospital and beside Olivia holding her limped hand and praying to anybody who is up there in the clouds to make her better, to keep her alive. I looked down at Olivia's white pale face and kissed her cheek softly. 

"I love you." i whispered and pecked her eyelids and that's when the doctor came in.

"How you holding up Mr Biersack?" asked the doctor and checked something on his clipboard what he was holding when he came through the door.

I just shrugged and said "Well Olivia is still in a coma all because of my crazy ex-girlfriend, so i'm not really doing well but thanks for asking." I sarcastically said, but when i looked at the doctor and sighed "Sorry." 

"Don't worry Mr Biersack i understand, my wife was in a coma for a few weeks because she fell and hit her head on the bathroom sink, but she's better and healthy now and that is what Olivia will do, she will get better and healthy again." 

"Thanks." i told him and smiled sadly.

"No problem, but Mr Biersack i heard that Olivia is pregnant?" he asked me concerned.

I nodded slightly. "Yes she is, but what does that have to do with the coma." 

"Nothing to do with the coma, but with the fall she had, she had a big impact and it was on concrete so the impact between her and the floor could have done damage to the baby or worse she could have had a miscarriage without us knowing, so i was going to do an ultra sound when she has woken up but she hasn't woken up yet so i'm kind of worried that something might of happened to the baby, so is it ok if i have your permission to do an ultra sound on Olivia now?" he explained.

I started to panick and looked down at Olivia and down to her stomach. "So what you are saying is, is that Olivia could have lost our baby." He nodded confirming.

I took a deep breath and held on to Olivia's hand tight and i said "OK, just do it." 

"OK i will get all the things and we will get started." Then he left the room.

I turned towards Olivia "I hope the baby hasn't gone." I rubbed her stomach. "Please, please don't bring bad news." 

The doctor came back in with a machine and started hooking up wires next to Olivia and he said "OK so I'm going to be putting some gel on her stomach." he explained while he squeezed the some sort of gel out of a tube and started to apply it on Olivia's bare stomach.

I held her hand tighter and kissed her knuckles. "I'm doing this for you."

"OK you ready Mr Biersack?" he asked me before he put the stick on her stomach. I nodded for him to continue and he started to slowly move the stick around her stomach and the little screen started showing different little images. 

The doctor frowned at the screen and squinted to the screen and got closer, so he could see it more, he sighed and looked at me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Biersack, but your baby didn't make it." 

My whole world froze.

"What?" i croaked out.

"I'm sorry Mr Biersack." he gathered the equipment back and dragged it out of the door. 

That's when the tears started flowing down my face. "I'm so sorry." 

After a couple of hours there was a knock on the door and CC came in with Sammy. 

"How is she?" asked Sammy and sat down on the chair CC placed on the other side of the bed for her.

I stayed silent.

"Andy?" CC asked concerned and gently nudged my shoulder.

"She had a miscarriage." i told them quietly and looked down at my fingers.

"What?" Sammy started tearing up.

"She had a miscarriage because of Scout, when Olivia was pulled off of stage the impact between her and the concrete floor must have been to hard for the baby to survive." 

"Oh my god." CC whispered and sat on Olivia's bed with his head in his hands. 

"CC... dude it's fine, we can have more children in the future." i told him trying to cheer him up. But he only responded by nodding in his hand and hiccuping. I stood up and sat next to him on the bed and gently hugged him from the side. "CC, come on cheer up, it's not the end of the world." 

He looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and eyes filled with tears trying to escape "I know you can have more kids, but i was going to be an uncle for the first time, and i - i - i just was really excited."

Sammy walked up to us and sat next to CC and hugged him from the other side "We are in this together." She said.








I know who you are (Andy Biersack Story) *Sequel i didn't know it was you* :FIN:Where stories live. Discover now