In the beginning

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It was 4900 B.C., the gem war has escalated. Pink diamond has been shattered, thousands of gems have been shattered or lost in battle. There seems to be no end to the war. Blue diamond is wrought with grief. And yellow... well let's say she has been grieving in her own way, and white. White has not been seen for some time. 100 years After Pinks shattering, there was a meeting between the three remaining diamonds. White was in the center looking at a screen; blue was trying to hold her emotions back. And yellow was busy checking the progress of her colonies.

Then white spoke out "Well I think it is time to check her progress." yellow looked up from her screen in shock " What? No, it's- it's too early we don't know what damage it could do if we disturbed her." Blue looked up and asked, "Are you referring to Red?" White nodded. Yellow said " I don't know why on homeworld you would risk cracking her, but okay if it helps we might as well check up on her progress." yellow reluctantly agrees and Blue, well let's just say her mind was somewhere else. Then White got out her communication sphere to contact the Xcon galaxy. When white looked at her screen trying to reach the Xcon Galaxy, there was no response. Only static, White confused called an agate to assess the problem. Yellow confused asked " What is going on! How can we lose contact with an entire galaxy!?"

Then the three Diamonds received a call from the Agate white requested. "My diamonds I am sorry to intrude, but you need to come and see this something is wrong with the Xcon galaxy. White got up and motioned for Yellow and Blue to follow. When they walked out side, they were shocked to see the entire Xcon galaxy swirl in what looked like Red fire then collapsed on itself and exploded in what seemed like a massive ball of fire. Yellow is at a loss for words, Blue was crying, and white was just looking at it with a curious look on her face. Then the shock wave hit homeworld and ships fell from the sky. Blue put her hand on her mouth saying "Red no." Then the agate contacted White and said "My diamond I, am sorry to report that no gem signatures are coming from the Xcon galaxy. Blue began to sob, and yellow had one tear coming down her cheek saying "How many diamonds are we going to lose?"

White just turned around and walked in with a disappointed look on her face. When all three of the diamonds got back in their thrones Blue called in a Safire and asked "what do you see in the near future?" she put her head down and said "I-I see darkness and a red heart. I see an eclipse over homeworld and two sisters one light and one dark. One will come that is the voice of the shattered who's power was fueled by your pain. I see a face that will haunt you. I see a world being corrupted and all life organic and artificial coming to an end. But I also see that it is not darkness who will win, Something else. My vision darkens, and I see no more." The Saffire then bows her head and exits the throne room. Blue turns to yellow and white and asks "who or what was she talking about?" Yellow put her hand on her chin thinking. White looked down and said "It's Red." blue and yellow both looked at white confused. "How? She died in the Xcon galaxy just moments ago. There is no way anyone could survive." yellow said, Blue agreed saying "Yes it seems very unlikely that anyone could sur..." they stopped to hear the sound of screams  from outside their door then nothing. White got up ready for anything. Then the door to the throne room opened, and all they could see was darkness and red eyes. Yellow diamond got up and yelled, "Who are you!?"

Then the figure stepped forward, and yellow and blue were shocked to see red Diamond, she was in armor from head to feet, her gem was on her stomach, She had wings that were only bone, and her helmet looked dark. White looked at her confused " How did you survive?" Red Diamond looked at the three gems in front of her and asked "there are exposed to be four. Where is pink?" Blue covered her eyes and began to weep yellow got up and held her. White looked at them then back at red and said "she was shattered." blue was crying even more while saying "Pink w-why?"

Red looked at white and asked "who shattered pink?" white answered, "One of her own gems Rose quartz." Red diamond looked down saying "how weak is she?" white, yellow and blue looked up at Red in shock. Red looked up and said "sorry, it's ironic don't you think for her to be shattered by a Rose quartz one of her own gems? If she put her guard down that much, then she deserved her fate." Blue angerly got up and yelled " That is our sister who got shattered on that miserable little rock! She gave a copy of her form so you can be made! Red ignoring blue looked at white and asked, "you at least shattered the Rose Quartz who did this deed?"

White just shooked her head, and Red said "well then, if that is the case there are some matters I must address while I am here, I will see you again, very soon. Just as she was about to walk out the door, she stopped and turned around saying, I'm sorry for your loss. Then she walked out and went to where the gems were being made.

Hey, guys and gals this is my take on a new story I am writing called Red Diamond. I've been thinking about it for awhile now, and I just had to write it down. Please tell me what you think. See you later.

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