Hello There

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Well hello, there its been a long time. Over a year actually. So the reason I have been gone is because of life. Also, I wasn't planning on continuing the story. But I looked at the comments and some of you actually liked it. I too know how frustrating it is when you have a story you like and the Auther never finishes it. So Here is a shorter chapter but I will try to continue it. Expect the next chapter within the next two weeks.


It was a warm day the sun was shining through the trees. The dirt was hot and stiff. The day was very calm almost picture like. "Steven, why do we have to sit under this tree wouldn't the temperature be cooler in the barn?" Na I like it, it's nice to get outside and away from everything." Steven sitting under the tree, was actually in the clouds. he thought of Rose Quartz, the gem war and why Homeworld needed a gem superweapon. "Peridot why is homeworld destroying planets?" "Well... its the same reason humans create cities. They need to grow and make room for new gems." Steven looking at his hand asked, "But why colonize planets with life?" "So new Gems can be made. we have to be made on a planet with life. we use all the organic compounds to create new gems from the remains of a planet. Each gem is apart of the planet, it's their heart."

Steven in his thoughts wondered if he had two hearts, one of earth and another on Homeworld. Looking up he asked, "How many Diamonds are there?" "Why do you want to know?" Peridot asked worryingly. "Well, it's just that I know nothing of homeworld and how it works. plus there were big murals of gems on the moon base." Peridot was shaking she wasn't sure if she could tell steven of these beings. their sins are so dark they could block out the sun. "Peridot please I don't know if they are coming back and if they are I would like to know who or what they are."

Peridot calmly breathed " it's not that simple of who or what. The Diamonds are in many ways different than us. like how your Greek gods were compared to humans. They are mystic in nature almost as if they live on another plane of existence. But at the same time... they seem foolish. Yellow Diamond didn't care about life on this planet. Yet she is known to be calm and open-minded." Steven looked up at the leaves of the tree and asked "so, they have their own problems like everyone else?"

"In a way yes," Peridot said. Steven looked at Peridot and pleaded with her to tell him who the Diamonds actually were. "Steven I don't know much about the DIamonds. After talking to Yellow I'm not sure if anything I know would be true. In fact, the only things I could tell you are their names."

"Ok, who are they?" Peridot waited she seemed to be in her thoughts trying to piece together what she knew. Steven was unsure if Peridot would even try to tell him anything about the Diamonds other then their names. "White, Yellow, Blue, Pink..." Steven was about to say something but looking at Peridots face he could tell something was wrong. She seemed very unsure about something. " and Red" Steven confused asked, "Who is Red?" "I don't know, she is something of an anomaly almost like a ghost. When I was on homeworld I would see few red gems and once in a while get a report that mentioned a Red Diamond but very rarely by name. Its almost as if it is taboo to speak of such things." Seven looking ahead at the field in front of him asked: "So is she bad?" "I don't know steven try not to worry about her she never directly talks to anyone and you're a human. It's impossible that she would want anything to do with you. Also, refrain from telling your crystal gems about our conversation." Steven laughed "Alright I will refrain my mouth from any incident of conversing with the gems." "Did you just use big words in a sentence?" "Yep, leave them to me." Steven got up and chuckled saying goodbye to peridot he walked home.

looking at the sky he wondered about the Diamonds. He wondered who they really were and why have they wanted the earth destroyed. he thought " If only I could ask I am sure I can make them see the beauty of the Earth." Before he could finish his sentence he heard a noise than a flash of light in front of him. A red sphere was floating in front of him. steven was on the ground he was blown back from the burst of energy the sphere made. it was about the size of an egg. In the middle was a crevice that was glowing. It floated towards him and fell in his hand. He held it up to the sky and closed his left eye. "hay you look just like the death star!" Steven got up and put the sphere in his pocket and walked home.

That night he put the sphere next to his bed with the rest of his action figures. In his dreams, he was in a space floating above the earth. it was so life like that he thought it was real. Then he heard a voice calling his name. Turning around he saw the orb. "Hey, little buddy nice to see you here." "Likewise." The orb responded. Steven tilted his head " Haha your not a moon." Steven laughed at his remark. " Neither am I a space station." The orb replied. Stevens' eyes lighted up with curiosity. "What are you? Are you real or am I just dreaming?" "Yes," the orb responded, "To what" " To both of your queries" " So I'm dreaming and you are real?" "Of course" the orb replied. " Haha you're a really funny ball but I need this dream to end now, I have a long day ahead of me I" Steven was interrupted by the orb. "You plan on going to the beach with your friend Connie (the orb spelled her name) During your conversation you will bring up this dream to her. She will question you and will not be able to understand."

"How do you know about Connie?" Steven asked worryingly. "I know of her because you told me." "I never told you about her" "Your mind, your memories did." "You went into my brain?!" Steven asked shocked putting his hands on his head, worried and a little confused. "No, I simply read the currents of your mind. They flow outward like a river. very similar to your internet. I simply had to read what was flowing out of your mind. "ow well please don't do that." "I'm sorry But I was sent here to offer you something."

Steven was on the beach with Connie. "And that's what happened." "So a small death star fell from the sky and talked to you?" Steven fished out the small DS from his pocket and handed it to her. "Wow, it is like a small Death Star but a little red. So what do you think it does?" Steven looked to the sky. "Blow up little planets." Connie laughed. "But you said it fell out of the sky and talked to you." "Pretty much. Can't tell the gems because they will think its nothing and throw it away." "What about peridot?" Stevens' eyes lit up followed by him smacking his forehead. "Why didn't I think about that!" Connie snickered. Steven jumped up and basically dragged her to the barn. with smol death star in hand.

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