declaring exterminatus

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I recommend listening to this for the first part. AS always I own nothing and everything belongs to the original creaters.

Somewhere in space...

We have arrived and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty of Red Diamond our undying Lord and by the grace of the red throne. I declare exterminatus on the Imperial world of Terra prime Maris I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion may Imperial Justice account in all balance the Diamond protects.

Back on earth

As the sphere finished scorching the signal of red diamond on the dirt it presented its eye and looked upon steven. Examining him it continued to float waiting for an answer. "Who is Red Diamond?" Steven asked curiously, "She is the raiser of worlds, the corruptor of all that is, She shapes the very universe with her sisters and defines the border that separates this reality from the next. Steven not understanding what the smol star means turns to Peridot. But he finds no answer. She is confused just as much as he is. She coughs as if to change the subject. "Ai, um smol star why are you here? The diamonds have no reason to come to this planet it is useless to them."

"My lord Red Diamond seeks an audience with this child of war." "War?" Steven questions. "Yes, your mother was a woman of war and the enemy of all under the flag of the diamonds. All except Red Diamond."

On the way home steven contemplates what smol star had told him. He was a child of war? A diamond wanted to speak with him. He had so many questions. Like why there where tanks and helicopters in town! As he rushed back to his house, he could see men and woman in uniform guard the fence. They where all armed. Garnet was talking with someone Steven didn't know who it was. The man seemed to be the one in charge of what was going on.

"Steven!" he heard someone yell his name. looking at the town he could see Connie she was running to him. "What's going on? Why is the military here?" She asked concerned. She looked at steven with a hint of pity. "I don't know I just got back here from the farm." They stood there not saying a word as trucks began to drive on the beach carrying equipment. Men and woman in weird metallic suits were holding strange equipment. Straining his eyes Steven couldn't see exactly what it was.

Steven felt an unease, why were these people here? What did they want? Many questions ran through his mind. But he knew of some other ways into the house. "I'm going in." He turned to Connie "Stay here." He said with as much as a serious face as he could. Going through the crowd of people steven ran towards the cliff that his house was built upon. He ran to the other side of the beach where there didn't appear to be any guards. "Ok steven, initiate stealth mode." He said to himself as he ran towards the house trying not to be seen. But of course, with all things steven does, it is hard to not be seen. "Yo Steven!" Steven learned to fly as he jumped ten feet in the air.

Amethyst was a few feet away. "Amethyst you gave me a heart attack!" She chuckled "do you know what's happening?" he asked worryingly. "Nope, But Garnet is talking with some woman and pearl is inside said she needed to protect somethings. I don't know what is going on."

"Well let's find out," Steven said semi-confidently. As the two were walking toward the fence Garnet put a hand to them as a warning not to approach. Steven and Amethyst looked at each other then back at Garnet. Garnet then turned around and walked to them. "Garnet, what's happening why are those guys here?" Amethyst asked. "Something has happened, and they blame us, apparently some ancient gem war technology has activated. They blame us.

"What!" Steven roared. "That's insane the crystal gems are the best we never let any bad gem thing go out of whack!" Garnet put her hand on her chin and was lost in thought. She was trying to think of what the humans wanted. It not steven that problem was solved years ago, hopefully. But peridot is no longer a threat. They know this. As Garnet was in thought Pearl was running out of the house. "I have checked every part of the base and found nothing. No corrupted gem is missing, all the gem technology is still where it is supposed to be and the logs state that only we have been in the temple recently.

"So, if it was not us and not anything, we dealt with recently then what is it?" Pearl asked.

Steven was thinking hard. What is the reason they are here? "Wait!" he thought. Smol star might know! "I have an idea!" he proudly tells the other gems present. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out smol star. "I found this little guy and he told me some things." Amethyst was intrigued but Pearl was not. "Steven where on Earth did you get that?!"

"Huh?" steven reacted confused. "I don't know it fell out of the sky and we talked." "Steven that is not a toy let me take it from you," Garnet told steven. She always sounded cold. But she tried to sound sympathetic this time. He looked at the smol star. It was small and he did not want another Lapus incident. He handed Garnet smol star. As garnet held smol star a flash of red light emerged from the sphere. "Presence of functioning crystal gems appeared. Priority one protects the asset!" Smol star shot up in the air and radiated a blast of energy that knocked back the gems.

"What are you doing?!" Steven asked loudly. "priority two if assets well being is possibly threatened then extraction is permitted." A glowing red light formed at the small indent on smol star and expended until a tear was formed and a vortex was formed. The gems frantically were trying to stop this. But Steven was in front of the small sphere they couldn't do anything until they got closer.

"Why are you doing this!?" Steven yelled. "The diamond protects." Is all that comes out of the sphere as steven is sucked into the vortex. The tear then closed leaving no trace of Steven.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for the wait. With life and so many things happening it took me a while to make a proper entry into Red Diamond. I hope you all enjoyed it! always remember to post feedback.   

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