Chapter 4.5 : Set Up and Perfect

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Okay guys, I have a confession to make. I screwed up some of the dates, trying to make events happen in correspondence with the actual story. Just to clear things up, I kind of made a short schedule to show how things have happened up to this point in the story, in case anyone is confused. I've also made small edits in past chapters where they are needed, to clean things up. Honestly, this is more for me, but maybe it'll help you guys too?

Storyline Dates:

Art Exhibition: Sometime in July near the festival date.

Festival: Monday, July 18th

Leblanc: 2 weeks later on Monday, August 1st, the team is nearing the edge of Futaba's Palace, working fast.

Girls Day Out: Thursday after Leblanc, the date is going to be the upcoming Sunday

That's all, enjoy! This one's a bit shorter, kind of like a "bonus chapter"


It was the Thursday before the upcoming date at Inokashira Park, and Yusuke couldn't contain himself. Sitting on the edge of his bed at the school dorms, he happily sketched a picture of you, in all of your beautiful glory. Amidst all the dust and loud noise from the dirty building, he hummed absentmindedly, drawing your flowing hair, your wide, gentle eyes, your smile as bright as the sun. Finally finished. He laid down his pencil in satisfaction, and chuckled deeply to himself at the sight of your face.

"Truly astounding."

He looked at his own work. He was so fascinated by you, he had almost clearly memorized every detail of your face in the short time that he had gotten to know you.

"She's all mine now."

By this time, he already had an outfit picked out, flowers reserved for pickup from the shop in the underground mall, and a whole schedule for the day, and how the date would play out. You were to meet in the underground walkway at 10:30am. Hopefully, you could get to the park around 11am. Then, you would find a nice spot for a picnic. Enjoying a romantic lunch together, he would take you on a relaxing stroll under the protective shade of waving branches. He imagined you, in a summer dress with a wide brim hat, smiling as he squeezed your hand. The cool breeze would make your hair wave and snap in the air, and your hat would go flying. He would surely retrieve it for you like any prince charming, and then as he returned it, he was going to lean in, and!

He snapped himself out of his fantasies and continued going over the schedule. After the walk, he was going to bring you on a boat ride. He would make sure to bring drawing materials so that he could capture your elegant form, riding slender fingers across the surface of the water. From there, he didn't have anything planned, since he wanted to leave some time to just let things play out. Perhaps, you would go back to the picnic spot and take a nap in his arms? Or better yet, he could bring you home and cook dinner for you? No, maybe that would be a bit excessive, for the stage your relationship was currently at. Although he was completely and utterly captivated by you, he was still getting to know you, and you haven't exactly learned everything about him, either.

Speaking of that...

His head snapped upwards. Yusuke had forgotten one crucial detail. He hadn't bought or prepared anything for the picnic lunch! How could he not remember something so obvious, yet so important? Quickly, he texted the only person he could think of to help him.

Yusuke: Akira! I need your help! It's urgent!!

Akira: Yeah, what's up man?

Yusuke: I need help buying picnic food for my date this Sunday!

Akira: With your new girlfriend?

Yusuke: Yes, she deserves the absolute best, but I'll need help if I want it to be perfect at this late point in time.

Akira: Okay, when do you want to meet up? Tomorrow?

Yusuke: No, now! It needs to be done as soon as possible!

Akira: ...You want me to help me with your date now?

Yusuke: Yes!!

Akira: Huh, what a coincidence...

Yusuke: ??????????????????

Akira: Sorry, it's nothing. I'm actually really busy right now. I'll help you out tomorrow if you still need it, but today's a no go.

Yusuke: ???? What are you so busy with?

Akira: I'm with Ann and Makoto and...

Akira: Well, I've already promised that I would help them with something today. Sorry, man.

Yusuke: Ah, I see. Well, thank you for your offer, but it can't be helped. I'll just do it myself. Give my regards to Ann and Makoto.

Akira: Will do. Sorry, got to go, bye.

Yusuke: Goodbye.

Teething in frustration, Yusuke was at a loss. He had no idea what kind of food you liked, so he could only guess. However, seeing as you were able to bake him those delicious cookies that one time, maybe you like sweets? Hmm, perhaps he would buy a small cake for two, then. But did you like fruity flavours like mango, or strawberry? Or perhaps more earthy flavours, like chocolate, or coffee? In the end, he decided to go for a light green tea mousse cake, since it was refined and hard to go wrong with. How about a meal? Perhaps small sandwiches, classic for a romantic picnic out? A large piece of meat would be too difficult to eat on the ground at a park. How about sushi? Luckily, he knew a good place that sold cheap, but good take-out sushi. Sighing in relief, he finally finished planning out the meal and calling stores to reserve food for pickup on Saturday. Now, all that was left was to buy a picnic basket and blanket. Ah, it was already sundown. Should he just go tomorrow?

Between school, his own art ambitions, and setting up the date for you two, it was easy to say that this week had been more than hectic for him.

"Don't worry, my love. It'll all be set up and perfect for you."

Persona 5: Kitagawa Yusuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now