The Director and the Assisstant

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A few weeks past and the movie was almost finished. Jay was stopping by the set more frequently, I like to believe he knew it bothered me but that would also mean he knew how I felt towards Sharon. I had tried to ask her to dinner quite a few times but she wouldn’t budge. Any time I asked, she’d say the same thing, no matter my persuasion. She turned to me on my last attempt, “Roman, look. I really appreciate the kindness, but I’ve told you before… I love Jay… I’m not going to go behind his back. I’m truly sorry but…” She stopped short as Maria walked over, holding out my tea. I looked at her, raising a brow as I did so, “is it warm this time?” She stared up at me before nodding. “I hurried, Mr. Polanski… And I promise I didn’t spill any this time.” I couldn’t help myself at that remark. I laughed, looking down at the girl in amusement. She pursed her lips as she stared up at me, still holding the cup out.

We went back to filming shortly after Sharon and I’s encounter.  The film only needed a few more scenes and to be edited together. Maybe two or so months’ worth of work left to go and we were finished. I was getting more and more excited with the progress everyone was making, especially my crew. Everyone had worked so hard, this movie was bound to be a classic. But that’s enough of that.

We started the scene where Sharon’s character, my character and the professor were heading back to the lodge. This was the scene where Sharon was supposed to bite my character. I had been excite about this scene because physical contact but now, only because she basically rejected me, I was a bit nervous.  When the time finally came it took quite a bit to gather myself. Any physical contact, other than professional of course, from her would surely be loved but highly unacceptable given the previous conversations we had had, but thankfully, this was professional. It was time ad we were sat in the sled. I called action from my place, one of the crew members clapped the marker and the scene begun. Here it was, she leaded over and I could feel her lips brush against my neck as she let out a sleepy groan before she growled as her character was supposed to, sinking her teeth into my skin. I yelped but a shiver ran up my spine and my cheeks flushed immediately as I held back a small moan. This wasn’t supposed to happen…

I jerked away, calling cut as I fled from the sled, waving my hands. I arrived at my trailer and locked the door behind me, panting quietly at this point. “To nie jest przypuszczać, aby się stało, Rajmund ... Zdobądź razem!” I smacked my hands against my temples a few times before sighing and simply letting my body slump onto the floor. I heard a knock on the door but I surely wasn’t ready to confront anyway. ”One moment!” I called out as I looked down at the tent in my pants. Now this... This definitely wasn’t suppose to happed...

I coughed and furrowed my brows, trying to ocus on thoughts that wouldmake my ”little friend” disappear. I thought about planes, cars, American “football”, absolutely anything but nothing worked. No matter what I thought about, I couldn’t shake the feeling of her soft lips against my neck. Oh god, her lips… I bet they could do wanders elsewhe--… Roman, no. This isn’t what you need to think about. Anything but that…

I finally got control of myself and could leave my trailer. Upon walking back out to the set, I waved my hand, mumbling some made up excuse about a stomach virus along with an apology and decided to call it a day. I was about to walk back to my trailer to gather my things as Maria hurried up to me, tea in hand. “M-Mr. Polanski, I’m so sorry. There was a traffic jam and I… I couldn’t get thro--…” I cleared my throat and she looked up at me, mumbling another apology as she handed the cup out. I gave a simple nod as I took it from her, clearing my throat once more, “Maria…,” she turned to look back at me as she was already walking away, “Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?” I pursed my lips as I waited for an answer, watching her for a reaction. After first, her eyes widened in surprise. Then I noticed the blush spread across her cheeks ad she nodded hesitantly. I know, I know ‘what about Sharon?’ but I have to get over her somehow, did I not? I crossed my arms. “S-sure, Mr. Polanski… If you’d like,” she gave a shy smile and I smiled in return. “You can call me Roman, dear.” With that, I walked away, waving a hand and calling out, “I’ll pick you up at 8 tonight, wear something nice!”

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