The Awkward Moment

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Upon arriving at work the next week and not having heard from Maria at all that weekend, I was dreading that I had done something wrong. I was a bit later than usual and every one turned to look at me as I walked past, going straight towards my trailer. Maria was no were in sight and I pursed my lips, now almost positive I had messed up.

I walked into my trailer, quickly shutting the door behind me before running my hand through my hair. Surely she wasn’t doing this to me… Surely one date with this girl hadn’t torn me to piece. I was an absolute nervous wreck at this point although I still wasn’t positive I had had a reason in the first place. If anything, she was the one who had kissed me.

I finally gathered myself as there was a small knock on my door, followed by a quiet whisper, “Mr. Polanski?” I laughed quietly to myself and turned, leaning my forehead against the door before standing up straight and smoothing my shirt. I opened the trailer door, only to look down upon Maria, who was standing there with her hands now behind her back and clasped together. She looked up at me and her cheeks reddened a bit. “M-Mr. Pola—“I held my hand up and sighed, “Maria, I told you to call me Roman, did I not?” She nodded, looking down at her feet. “Roman, I uh… I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last night… I should have known better than to get that drunk and I just… I’m really sorry.” I furrowed my brows, somewhat offended that she wouldn’t look at me while speaking but then I realized, she was simply nervous. “Come in…” With that, she looked up at me, eyes widening slightly but she nodded, walking into the trailer.

We sat there for a moment, I in the small rocking chair and her on the couch, completely silently. We wouldn’t even look at each other. Finally, clearing my throat, I stood and walked over to the small mini fridge, “would you like anything to drink?” I looked over just in time to see her shake her head and mouth something to herself. Raising a brow, I questioned, “What was that, Maria?” Her head shot up and she looked at me, eyes widening again as they had when I invited her inside. “I um… N-nothing…” I furrowed my brows before chuckling quietly, “we know each other well enough now not to lie, do we not?” She nodded, obviously embarrassed that she had even attempted to lie. “I just… I said that I um…” she frowned before continuing, “I said I uh…. I said that…” she hushed a bit, but not so much that I couldn’t hear her, “I said that I may be sorry, but I’m not apologizing for kissing you… I shouldn’t have gotten that drunk, but I don’t regret my actions.” She looked up at me again once finishing, her lips pursed tightly. I nodded slowly and we both grew silently once more.

A few minutes passed and we both stole glances at each other, neither of us daring to move. I groaned, not being able to hold myself any longer and I stood, looking directly at Maria now. She looked up from her lap, pursing her lips. I could feel the blankness of my expression but I had my mind set. Practically strutting over to her, I gripped her arm and pulled her to her feet. Her eyes widened for a split second and then mine were closed. I felt her relax and we shifted.

The kissing continued for quite some time. We had managed to lie on the couch, I on top of her and my hand slowly sneaking its way up her shirt. Small moan were escaping her lips as my fingers wandered underneath her bra and over her breast. I moved slightly, now kissing at her neck, each kiss gentle but dominant in its place. I hesitantly pressed my hips down against hers, only to be surprised as she shifted and wrapped her legs around me, letting out another moan as she tilted her neck” R-Roman…” her hands slipped under the back of my shirt and I could feel every inch of my manhood tingle at the sound of my name. She sighed heavily, whispering this time “Roman… Someone’s at the door….”

With that, I pulled away as quickly as if it were her father at the door. My eyes were widen as I tried gathering myself, frantically wiping my hands on my shirt and staring at the door as the person on the other side knocked again. I looked back at Maria and she was already on her feet, hair fixed as if nothing had happened. She looked back at me, furrowing her brows slightly at concern, I believe the concern was due to my visible nervousness, and she shooed me towards the trailer bathroom. I simply nodded, walking there. Once I shut the door behind myself, I heard the main door open.  

“Where’s Roman?” Oh, just my fucking luck. Of course it just had to be Sharon at my door. I peeked my head out, hardly enough to see anything. What I did see was Sharon standing in the doorway, looking down on Maria with her hands on her hips. “Mr. Polanski is busy at the moment. Is there anything I can assist you with?” Sharon pursed her lips as Maria spoke. I’ll never understand why women automatically disliked each other until proven “worthy” of each other’s friendship, but that’s how things went. “Yes, you can go get him.” I looked at Maria after that, just in time to see her expression go blank. “I’m sorry but I told you, Mr. Polanski is quite busy. Would you like me to pass along a message?” Sharon’s nostrils flared at the slight attitude in Maria’s voice. “Fine… Tell him we can’t really shoot a movie without our director, will you?” She turned, walking from the trailer and slamming the door behind her.

I sighed as I walked back out to Maria, who was standing straight, her entire body tensed from the encounter. I slipped my hands onto her shoulders, rubbing gently as I tucked my face against her neck. “Calm down, love…” she tensed a bit more at the name, “she’s only wanting to get this over with because she has another film lined up for herself once we’re finished.” She nodded and relaxed against the massage, tilting her neck slightly as I placed a soft kiss at the nape of it. She huffed before speaking, “she still shouldn’t be so bitter… I’m only an assistant.” I turned her to look at me once she said that, my eyes meeting hers. “Listen to me: Most actresses are like this. It’s nothing to worry yourself over.” She nodded and I pecked her lips. “We’ll work on getting a lot done today, then I’ll all a day off tomorrow so everyone can relax.” She pursed her lips before a small smile formed in its place. I gently kissed her forehead before sending her on her way to tell the rest of the crew and cast about my decision. Now, all I had to do was convince Maria to spend her off day with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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