Mini games *Four*

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I got a call right when I got off the plane it was an unknown number. I answered it unsure if I should have.

"Hello this is Ellen DeGeneres I am calling about your audition I liked it so come to Vancouver on the 29th of July and you will be on TV" Ellen said "Alright thank you so much" I responded "bye" She said.

"AAAHHHH Logan,Ellen let me come on her show can you please book tickets to Vancouver for the week of the 29th please" I asked "sure baby girl" he smirked.

"Logan I'm going to go to the mall and buy clothes for the Ellen show I will be back at 6" I said
"Ok be safe love you" he said kissing me on the cheek.

When I arrived at the mall I walked into many stores such as Forever21,Urban Planet and Stare I got my nails and hair done at Stare I dyed the ends of my hair blonde and got "Logan Paul" put in letters on each of my nails in black and blue.

I bought 10 outfits in total 5 from Forever21 and 5 from Urban Planet and I bought some new makeup and bought Logan a Rolex for his birthday since it was coming up.

I got everything and went back to the apartment and the pigts were off I assumed Logan was out somewhere. All of a sudden a whole bunch of people popped up and it was all of team ten all of why don't we and the Dolan twin's.

"Aww Logan whats all this for" I smiled " I just wanted to have done fun with you and everyone else sowe are playing a lot of mini games" he explained "OK" I said as I put my purse down and sat in a circle like everyone else.

"So what are we going to play first" I asked "truth or dare" Ethan suggested "k" "ill go first" Tessa said followed by a question "hmm Emilio truth or dare" "dare" he responded "I dare you to kiss Abby's stomach" Tessa smirked "OK" Emi answered I looked at Logan asking for permission and he nodded lifted up my shirt to reveal my perfectly toned stomach he kissed it and I felt butterfly's.


"Logs I'm going to the store to get some bottled water" Abby explained "OK Abs be safe I love you" Logan told me as I walked out the door.

You decided to walk because the store wasn't that far away you had a gut feeling that someone or something was following me but I just brushed it off.

I heard footsteps behind me and immediately turned around and saw a tall man in all black I felt a pain in my leg and the next thing I knew that everything went black.

I woke up in a room with a bed and a door I heard footsteps outside the door and it opened I was shocked to see my ex boyfriend who had just gotten out of jail.
"We are going to have some fun" Kennan said locking the door behind him "come over here and take off your shirt and pants NOW" Kennan demanded you did as he said because you knew what he was capable of.

He took my bra off and squeezed my breasts he slipped his hand into my underwear as it sent chills down my spine.

He slid his cock into my clit and he thrusted in and out and it hurt I felt his liquid flow into my climax and it didn't feel good at all.
I was crying as he pushed my arm so hard I think it broke and Logan and the cops came running in I jumped into logans arms as I finishes putting my clothes back on.

Logan took me home after the policemen interviewed me and asked some questions. "Are you OK Abby did he rape you and was he wearing a condom?" He asked me "no he wasn't wha-what if I'm pregnant" I said as I was on the verge of tears.

"Baby girl I'd you are I will treat the baby as my own" Logan assured me "thanks babe" I said wiping my tears away.

Word count:711

Hey guys I'm obsessed with the why don't we boys' now ha-ha see you later Logang

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