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"What the fuck?" Yoongi gasps, his mouth dropping open. There; on the wall, is a massive poster of...him.
What shocks him more is the sweet, pure voice that spills out of his lips, rather than his usual rough and deep slur.

That's when it dawned on him.
This was not his room.
This was not his bed.
This was not his body.
This was not his voice.

He stands up, making his way to the mirror that stood in the corner of the room... and looked.

This was not his face.

"Oh my god." He smiled, and almost fainted at the sight of his own reflection.
His lips curled at the edges and his eyes disappeared into small crescents.

To anyone else it would've looked weird; but to Yoongi, it was perfect.
His soulmate was perfect.

After all this time; he had finally found him.

His gaze went around the room slowly, almost lazily, and fell upon the note left on the desk.

Wow, his soulmate is prepared.
HIS soulmate.

He went over and picked it up, reading it quickly.

Dear Soulmate,

Wow! I hope it really has happened~

My name is Park Jimin, soulmate. It's nice to say that.

Jimin sounds like a cute name.

I'm 18 years old today! I hope you're not too old... or a baby. But then, there would be no point in me writing this note... I guess.
I'll shut up now haha

He sounds cute.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind; I have an unhealthy obsession with BT4; especially Min Yoongi.

Yoongi chuckled slightly at that, heart fluttering slightly at the sound of Jimin's cute giggle.

So yeah, hope that won't get in the way.
Please phone your own number using my phone!
The password is; 930309

I love you, soulmate.
Well... I hope I do!! Haha

(P.S. I will~)

Yoongi smiled and almost skipped over to Jimin's bed, picking up the phone and typing in his birthday. Yeah, don't even think he missed that, Park Jimin.

He took a deep breath and was about to dial his own number; when a scream was heard from down stairs.


The phone call forgotten about, Yoongi rushed down the stairs to see what the noise was about.

"Here, honey. Breakfast." An old, motherly like figure held out a plate of toast to Yoongi; her smile matching that of Jimin's, and he could only assume that she was his mother.

"Thanks, eomma." He said, smiling sweetly and sat down, eating the toast.
He loved it here already.

Jimin woke slowly, stretching his arms up and yawning.

He blinked his eyes open, warily. A bright smile erupting  on his face as he realised that this....

Either he had been kidnapped; OR THIS WAS HIS SOULMATE!!

He squealed, jumping up and down on the bed, before realised he shared the room with several others.

Groans came from the lumps in the other beds.

"What the fuck?" A sleepy voice slurred from under one.

"Shut up, asshole." Another one said.

Jimin winced slightly, and quietly crawled out of bed. He spotted a mirror on the wall and took a deep breath.

He wanted to look.

Not that it mattered what his soulmate looked like.

He just wanted to look.

So he did.

"Holy shit." He burst into tears, holding a hand over his mouth as Min Yoongi's face looked back at him.

"Holy shit."

I'll Find You {Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now