chapter 10.

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juliets pov

so it's finally date night. no one knows i'm bringing a date so it's gonna be a surprise for everyone. i've done my hair nicely and i'm wearing a really pretty dress, making sure romeo gets to see everything he's missing out on. brook and romeo are setting up the table and i've been playing princess tea party with harper for the past half an hour. she's absolutely gorgeous!

victoria has been running around frantically all day because she makes or breaks whoever she likes or doesn't like. david is still currently on a holiday and cruz is just chilling with his guitar in his studio writing more songs.

it's finally time, the first guest has arrived as the doorbell rings. brook runs to the door to see his girlfriend lily. he greets her with a hug and a kiss and leads to to his mum.

"mum meet lily my gorgeous girlfriend!" brook says addressing lily.

"hi mrs beckham, it's so nice to meet you. i've been such a big fan of yours ever since i was a little girl and i'm absolutely gobsmacked being with you now in your gorgeous home!" lily says while shaking her hand politely.

"call me victoria sweetie. that means so much to me, i'll have to show some of the pictures later on from the spice era!" victoria says to her laughing.

brook and lily whisper to each other and head towards the living room just as the next door bell rings.

"i'll get it" romeo, victoria and i say in sync. of course victoria gets there first to greet steph.

"omg your mean spice! absolute dream to meet you i love your song bye bye bye!!!" steph says forcing a hug on victoria.

"haha i think your a bit confused hunny." victoria says through clenched teeth, "i was posh spice and nsync sang bye bye bye."

"oooohhhh i always get the two mixed up!" she's says as inviting herself inside.

"yeah, because spice girls is girls and nsync is boys is so hard to work out." i mumble to myself in which i get the response of romeo chuckling which makes me smile.

"ro ro! i missed you!" steph runs up the romeo smothering him.

i grab victoria and speed walk to the dining room, wanting to witness anything but that.

i'd been stalling for 20 minutes now and luke still hadn't shown up so gave up as he wasn't going to show. so started dinner without him. we had only started eating when the doorbell rang.

"can i grab it vicky?" i ask politely to which she nods surprised as she thought everyone was here. romeo abruptly stopped eating, curious to whom was at the door.

"i'm so so so so sorry i'm late! there was a fight at school and i tried to stop and and ended up getting knocked out for a bit. but i'm all good now." luke exclaimed.

"luke are you kidding! if you got hurt you shouldn't have come!" i said hugging him while aiming sure he was okay.

"are you kidding, i wouldn't miss it for the world!" luke said smiling with his gorgeous pearly whites.

i lead him to the dining room introducing him to everyone.

"hey everyone this is luke, my boyfriend. sorry he's late, he's just too tough of a gentlemen and decided he wanted to save some lives." i said to everyone while looking at his dreamy face.

"yeah i'm so sorry i'm late, trust me this won't happen again!" luke says smiling, possessing every girl in the room into a daze.

"well this is unexpected juliet! so very nice to meet you like, take a seat!" victoria says, offering him a spare seat next to me and across form romeo.

i took a glance at romeo and it looked like he was a bull with red steam coming out of him nose and ears! he didn't seem very happy. everyone introduced each other to each other and soon enough, all the dates had a grasp on everyone's names.

"so how did you two meet luke?" brook says.

"well we both came from australia to go to uni, we met on the plane i think it was and instantly clicked. we'd gone on a few dates but wanted to keep it on the low so tonight is officially the first day we've told anyone." luke says excitedly.

"naww that's so cute! hopefully we get to see more of your in the beckham household." victoria says.

"well isn't that just a touching story, right julie?" romeo says fakely.

"don't call me that!" i respond back to him. "what about you two, how've you been going" i ask both of them.

"we've been going great, tomorrow is actually our one week anniversary of when we first met so we're pretty excited, aren't we ro ro?" she says while grabbing his cheeks.

"mhmm" romeo responds trying to fit as much food in his mouth so he doesn't have to talk.

"well lily and i are going great as well!" brook says trying to reduce the tension in the room.

"romeo what's your favourite thing about steph!" i say while smirking.

"uhmmm wewll whawts a towuf wone." romeo says with food in his mouth.

"just wait till you swallow ro ro." i mocked him.

"well she's definitely one of the BEST soccer players i've ever seen and she could be a model she's that hot." romeo says while staring me down.

"oh really! well isn't that great to hear! comes to show that i'm not improving only because you're my coach!" i say while slamming my hand on the table.

"oh well isn't that just the nicest compliment i've ever received. you know you really don't wanna get on my bad side juliet!" he stands up while also slamming his hands on the table.

"romeo, not all girls just fall in love with you at your feet so stop being a d.ickhead at the times don get off your golden throne because you don't actually have one." i say storming towards him.

romeo starts to storm towards me as well, meeting me halfway until we're both an couple of centimetres away from each other's faces.

"juliet you're not that great either. your walk around on your high horse everyday at training but you're the student here and i'm the teacher so stop acting like a knownit all 24/7!" romeo screams at me.

"aren't you on a roll!" i reply.

"just f.uck off and go back to where you came from, no one wants you here." romeo spits out very every word with venom.

"i don't even know why i thought i liked you, you're just a fucking prick who cares about no one but himself. that for having me victoria but i think i've overstated my trip." i run off crying into my room while shoving very thing i could see into my suitcase.

i could hardly see as my eyes were all glassy from all the tears. i can't believe someone you even say that, i feel like my heart had been torn into a billion pieces. where am i going to live now? what am i going to do? i hardly even go to uni anymore? do i still have to go to training sessions with rom- i can't even say his name. so many questions.

help me :/


a/n: sorry but this is he most inconsistent book anyone has ever read but if you want me to continue to update, let's try get 5 comments loves xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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