Doctor Strange

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First goes to ForthBeam! Since i'm a TaeTee trash and tae darvid is my bias!

| Summary |

After Forth got into an accident and got admitted at the hospital there's this Doctor who Forth thinks is a strange one because he's always looking at him like he commited a murder or something.


Feeling a little bit dizzy i opened my eyes but only the white walls, and an addicting smell welcomed me. I remembered that i got into an accident i'm probably at the hospital right now, and hey i'm still lucky that only my left arm is broken not my skull.

Shiya it hurts. I take it back I'm not that lucky, how can i drive my motorcycle again if my left arm is cemented? Sigh.

I heard a light click somebody must have opened the door.

"Sawadeekap patient no. 1226, i'm here to check your condition" The middle aged woman greeted me, i attempted to did a wai but i can't move my left arm. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes P', my left arms hurts a little but overall i'm okay" It was a relief tho and a good thing that i always wear my helmet because if i didn't i'll have to say goodbye to my handsome face sighs.

"I see but you can't go home yet you'll have to stay here for three days we'll still be checking you up and check if your bones dislocated okay, tell the nurse or me if you feel that your arms is much better"

I reply with a nod before the doctor left me she said that she'll tell a staff to bring me a wheelchair. I'm bored there's no interesting stuffs to do so i just opened my phone to see my friends bombarding me with messages.

'Ai'Forth are you still alive?' - Lam

'P'Forth how are you? I'll visit you soon' -N'Wayo

'Son i heard what happened! I told you not to drive your motorclyce especially if you're drunk!' -Ma

'I sold your old motorcycle, i'll just buy you a new one' -Pa

There are some texting me and asking me if i'm okay but i didn't know them, after few minutes of waiting the staff finally came and bring the wheelchair she even attempted to help me but i told her i can do it on my own. Too bad she's not my type it's obvious that she's hitting on me.

I got out of the crappy boring room I'm at the hospital's lobby or whatever they called this place.

And i have a weird feeling right now, i don't want to assume but i can see a guy looking at me in my peripheral vision, nope he's not looking at me

He's sending death glares at me! I conciously looked at his direction and he's still glaring at me like i commited a murder or something, but there's something different from his glares it suddenly makes my heart flutter.

Wait what?!

The next day and the day after that day everytime i go to the lobby i always saw that weird doctor, yup he's a doctor i was about to go to him and ask him what his problem is but a short nurse called her for emergency. I know it's pretty weird but i always found myself at the same spot looking back at him, he's always invading my thoughts for the past days i mean how could he not invade my mind, he's like one of the cutest thing i ever saw.

The way his eyebrows turn into a frown.

His nose slighty resembles like a bunny's.

The way he bites or pouts his lips.

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