Chapter 1

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I've been trying to play this game lately. You count how many times you find yourself thinking bad things. I'm up to 14 today, already. It's 7:08 am in Riverdale and I'm staring at myself in the mirror. It's my first day of school in America and I've never been more nervous.

I've changed my outfit twice, and I'm wearing my third choice at the moment. The first outfit was a floral printed dress with a leather jacket and baige wedges. The second one was a green shirt with a mini skirt and black flats. At the moment, I'm wearing a black shirt, with black leather jeans and a black high heels.

"You know what? I think I like this outfit the best." My mom said as she leaned against the door frame.

"You think?" I asked while turning around and making sure I look good.

"Yeah definitely. Just straighten your hair and add some red lipstick. You'll look absolutely stunning."

"Are you implying that I never look good, Mother?" I joke. She laughs and the dimples in her cheeks are prominent against her pale skin. Her green eyes more vibrant when she's laughing. 

"I'm going to make breakfast now. I'll call you down when I'm done." She says, but just before she left I called her back.

"Actually, Mom I'm not gonna eat today. I'm not exactly hungry." I state as I sit in front of my vanity.

"The nerves are kicking in?" She asks while smiling sadly at me. I nod my head and turn towards her.

"Being the new kid is going to suck, Mom" I say while adding some mascara to my eyelashes.

"I know, Ari. But, you're just going to have to adjust." she smiles. "At least it's in the first day of school, and not the middle of the semester." She turns to leave, and this time I let her. 

My eyes drift to the mirror, and I study my face. My blue eyes are dull, and my blonde hair is frizzy and tangled. I run a brush threw my hair, and start to straighten it. When I'm done, I add some red lipstick and go downstairs. 

"Mom! I'm taking the Hummer!" I yell as I walk down the stairs.

"Okay, be careful honey." She scares me while walking out of the kitchen. I place a hand over my heart and breathe deeply.

"Geeze, Mom." I say while adjusting my bad on my shoulder. She laughs and kisses my forehead.

"Have a good day at school." She laughs and walks down the hall to the living room. 

I sigh and roll my eyes, while walking to the garage. I pick the Hummer today so I wont look like a spoiled new kid, even though I am one. As bad as that sounds. Pulling up to the school, the butterflies in my stomach go into over-drive and I feel like vomiting. I take a deep breathe and unlock the door. 

"It's just school. 7 hours a day for 5 days a week. It wont be that bad." I whisper to myself and walk into the school building. People give me weird looks as I walk in. Instead of putting my head down, I held it high and walked into the Main Office. 

"Hi, I'm new here. My name's-" I was cut mid sentence when the lady behind the desk spoke.

"Yeah, I know who you are. You're the first new student here in years. Here's your schedule." She hands me the schedule, and immediately I snatch it out of her hand, not liking the way she had just spoken to me. She scoffs and turns back to her computer. I sigh then walk out the office and lean against the wall while I look over my schedule. First period was Math? Are you kidding?

"Are you Arianna Martinez?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a girl comes up to me. She has brown hair and blue-green eyes, but is the definition of beautiful. I clear my throat and respond.

"Uhm, yes. Why?" I respond. You could tell she was one of the preppy rich kids, who got straight A's by the way she carried herself. 

"I'm Betty Cooper. Your Peer Mentor." Great. I put on my best fake smile and stuck my hand out for her to shake, but instead of her taking it, she pulled me into a hug. She pulled away quickly, and connected her arms with mine. She took the schedule out of my hand and squealed. 

"We have periods 1-7 together!" She said excitedly. I smiled and looked over. 

"I thought you would be in all AP classes." I said, but it came out more like a question. 

"Oh I am." she said happily. I looked at her weirdly.

"So then how do we have periods 1-7 together?" I asked. She laughed and looked at me.

"You're in the AP classes as well." She turned us down a hallway, and immediately I stopped.

"What do you mean?" She handed me the schedule, and pointed to the top of it, where in bold letters stated 'All AP Classes'. 

"Woah, totally missed that." She smiled and continued to walk down the hall. 

"So, what's there to do for fun?" Before she could answer, a boy came from behind.

"For the second time today, There's a Strip Club called the Ho Zone, and a tragic Gay Bar called Innuendo. Friday nights, Football games and then tailgate parties at the Mallmart parking lot. Saturday night is movie night, regardless of what's playing at the Bijou, and you better get there early, because there's no reserved seating in Riverdale. And Sunday nights?... Thank God for HBO. " He stated and I smile.

"Arianna Martinez, Kevin Keller. Arianna is new here and-" Betty says but gets cut of by Kevin.

"And is definitely a bad ass version of Veronica Lodge. I'm gay and by the way, I totally love that accent. British?"

"Oh I totally got that, but who's Veronica Lodge?" I ask while we walk down the hall. 

"The only other new student in the School. She's super nice." The bell rang and Kevin started to run. 

"I'll see you guys at lunch!" We laughed as we walked into a classroom.

"Late on your first day? I expect better from you Elizabeth." I ignored what the woman said, and sat in the back. Betty sits next to me, and before I can ask, she responds.

"Elizabeth is my full name. Betty is just my nick name." I nod and focus on the teacher who is just introducing herself. 


"Uhm, so what's the Semi-formal?" Veronica asks. 

We had just came from an assembly where this girl Cheryl Blossom talked about the tragic death of her twin brother, Jason Blossom. He supposedly died on July 4th when Cheryl dropped her glove into the river at 6 in the morning and drowned. It sounds a little fishy to me. I mean, come one. Who goes for an early morning boat ride at 6 am? And gloves float, so how the hell did he flip the boat over and drown, if the glove was floating. Anyways.

"It's a back to school dance," Betty says. 

"Ooh look at that red headed Ansel Elgort you were with last night. I've had every flavor of boy, except orange." Veronica says while pointing to a red headed boy. He was indeed gorgeous.

"Are you two dating?" Veronica asks. Kevin and Betty both answer at the same time.

"No, he's straight." Kevin says.

"No, we're just friends." Betty says. 

"Do you mind putting in a good word for me?" Veronica asks.

"See, they aren't dating, but Betty here likes him and he totally likes her back." Kevin says, and Betty immediately starts to blush. I send a smirk her way.

"You should totally ask him out to the Semi Formal." Veronica and I say at the same time. 

"Maybe." She says and turns the corner to her 4th period class.

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