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Stars: celestial bodies composed of atoms packed together to form a flaming orb the radiates heat and light. Though not necessarily alive, they are a lot like any other living thing, they are born, they live, and they die. But when stars die, they collapse on themselves, creating a monster out of what is left of them; a black hole. This vaccum pulls in everything it can into its gaping maw. Not even light can escape its clutches. No one knows what is inside or what would happen if someone were to fall into such a thing.

Now, what do dying stars and black holes have to do with a certain arachnid themed hero? I am glad you asked. 

A few months ago, NASA launched an expedition to have humanity, more importantly US citizens,  finally set foot on Mars; Operation: Rust. As technology and resources have increased, so has the desire to push farther into space. The one and only John Jameson and a group of select few set out on February 14th to be the first humans on the rust red planet next door. It took a little over a month and a half to actually reach the plantet, but once there, the team set to work immediately exploring the planet's surface like no probe had been able to in the past. Things were going smoothly and the mission was proving to be quite the success so far. Then, after about a week of smooth sailing, NASA lost contact with the crew and space craft. The entire team and shuttle vanished without a trace. 

So where does a black hole come in?

Around the same time that the operation was first launched, a new black hole had been reported within the Milkyway galaxy, a little closer than usual. It was still light years away from earth, and presented no threat to the Mars Mission, so interest in the dead star soon passed. But since the expedidtion's disappearance, scientists in NASA took a closer look at the black hole later on in the investigation of the Operation: Rust failure. This was mostly due to the fact that they were desperate to find a cause and run out of explanations. But of course, nothing. 

But where is Spiderman in all of this?

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