They fight - to the death.
They fight over three crowns and a throne with steel spiked maces. They despair a little more everyday keeping thei...
"There's - there's no need. I - I will... I will marry Tristan Valmont."
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THE SICK, STRONG SMELL OF roses and lilies hit me as soon as I opened the door to my chamber. It was a little too late before I realized what was going on inside. The shower of sparks escaped my fingers as the candles lit and I groaned in frustration. The shapes under the sheets stirred.
A man and a goddess jumped up.
"You just had to get it on in my room, didn't you?" I growled, frustrated. The goddess who must have been up to this clearly knew I hated this, and yet she always insisted on making a huge show of it.
One of the pillows moved, emanating a satisfied sigh as I caught sight of more men under the covers. One, two, three, four... five. An orgy.
By Uranus!
There was another ruffle of silk and some wet noises along with a moan as she emerged from under a coverlet. Her hair was tousled, slick with the sweat of passion, glistening over her whole naked body. One of her lovers was busily fondling her as she looked up.
"Hello there, Tristan," the goddess purred in her sickly sweet voice. "Why don't you join us?"
She slowly shook her hungry - thirsty - lover away with a kiss and got up, pulling on a robe. They latched to her like leeches as she made her way out of the bed. The robe she wore was nothing more than wisps of gold that made a mockery of discretion. As flamboyant as a flamingo, proud as a peacock.
And with as much appeal as a dead gnat.
"If you're finding it hard to laugh at yourself, I'd be happy to do it for you," I muttered, amused yet irked.
I trapped my heel between the door and the wall, propping myself up on one knee. I crossed my fingers, awaiting her excuse for the nonsense she'd be laying at my feet today.
Her eyes gleamed as she raised her inquisitive neck, observing me with hungry smile, not speaking. Slithering over the floor, she glided to me, robe dragging over the tiles.
"What do you want?" I asked exasperatedly, putting a hand out for her to stop.
"You do look a tad... stressed," she mewled, walking the few steps up to me. I noticed leather cuffs and chains strewn around as she delicately stepped over a leather whip. I raised an eyebrow in distaste. "Perhaps you might want to... destress with me."
My eyes fell on her breasts peeking from between her hair, spilling out like overflowing wine.
The sight of the naked goddess could have incited any god to action, but it stirred nothing in me.