They fight - to the death.
They fight over three crowns and a throne with steel spiked maces. They despair a little more everyday keeping thei...
And without a second of hesitation, I picked up the slim dagger and plunged it right into my heart.
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The world was black and white and grey, clouded with smoky haziness and memories of a life long forgotten. Something ancient and deep stirred in the pit of my stomach, making me sick - so, so sick - that I went on my knees in that impenetrable darkness, retching-
I looked down to myself, feeling only wisps of obsidian smoke where my body had once been, feeling only curls of glittering black mist now swirling in place of blood and bones.
Everything was gone.
"Afraid, Edwina?" Thanatos's voice rumbled into my ear as it crawled out of the darkness, and a steel finger crawled down my spine - or what was left of it - leaving me shivering. "Well, that's not something I have seen on you... but something tells me I'm going to be seeing quite a few things by the time we are done."
Dead - I was dead - this was death.
I was nothing. I was nothing at all, only moonkissed smoke scattered in the darkness, and my barely corporeal form-
"Don't you worry about that, sweetheart," Ambrosine crooned beside me, "you'll remain in this form - for as long as we deem fit."
A light seemed to flicker somewhere far down the path, as if at the end of a deep, black corridor. The entrance to the immortal prisons, I realized, a place no one knew the location of, stitched right in between the folds of the worlds. A place where they took their dead and locked their spirits to rot away in the darkness forever. And in that light, I examined that smoke as it seemed to solidify into my old features that were a mockery of their original form. As if the flesh and organs had rotted from the very inside, leaving only a dying, decaying thing behind as it slowly fell apart in front of my very eyes.
A ghost.
Horror slammed into me, deep and unnerving, shaking me to the very core.
"It has been a while since I last used those instruments," the voice of the lord of the lair greeted me as they dragged my dead form along the gravel in the dark. "But with that immeasurable power running deep into your core... well, I'd say the netizens of the prison are in for a rare treat."
It wasn't everyday that a member of the Triarchy was their guest of honor, I thought bitterly.
I could fight - I should fight - but then there was the matter of those lives she held in the palm of her hand, lives she could cost me if I went back on my word.