They fight - to the death.
They fight over three crowns and a throne with steel spiked maces. They despair a little more everyday keeping thei...
I clenched my fingers around the ruby studded hilt of my sword, Seraphine, preparing to go to Steffith at once to investigate. I needed answers and I needed the truth.
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"VERONA? VERONA!" I CALLED OUT, roaming the corridors of Tristan's castle.
"I'm telling you, Eric. She'll be just fine. Worrying so much is not good for your health," said my father Eros from beside me, giving a wise nod.
We were both looking for Amphitrite's and my daughter, Verona. As the youngest goddess of Endollon, she was still discovering her powers - making her vulnerable to immortals who might have wished to hurt her.
Yet without any definite purpose in life, she had an absent minded tendency to wind up roaming in Tristan's library for they both shared the same love of books. Even though she was just seventeen, Verona still had the silly behavior of a highly amused baby rabbit learning about the world around itself.
My lovely daughter was a piece of my heart. I could not bear the thought of anything happening to her, or my wife, Amphitrite. Or my sister, Vanessa. My father too, I held close to me. The only one missing was my mother, Erida. She had disappeared since fifty years, the night she took a trip to explore Vezort Island with two of Cosmo's children.
That was the last time I'd seen her.
"You don't know, father. Amphitrite will be mad if I don't find Verona before lunch. She needs to eat!" my pace increased and worry clouded my thoughts.
Where was my daughter?
Amphitrite wasn't feeling well since three days, so I winded up booking an appointment with the god of medicine for her. It wasn't safe for her to go alone, so I would accompany her. But none of us was ready to leave until I made sure Verona was alright. For that, I had to find her in this maze of Tristan's castle first.
"That's not right, goddammit. You tricked me, uncle Tristan!" A high pitched wail hit my ears from the nearby corridor, and I jogged quickly towards the voice, a smile turning up my lips. I reached out to open the nearest room.
Sure enough, it was Tristan and Verona hovering over a chessboard, the black having clearly won the round.
"That's how my brother lost all his friends!" Llewellyn roared with laughter, grinning at the mutinous expression on my daughter's face.
Verona had the same golden hair as me, yet Amphitrite's light blue eyes. She was a piece of both of us. At the moment, her golden curls were tumbling down from her braids as she gave us all a playful yet murderous stare.