They fight - to the death.
They fight over three crowns and a throne with steel spiked maces. They despair a little more everyday keeping thei...
I was going to live in a new Castle tomorrow. A new home. A new family. A new enemy.
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THE CRISP AIR OF THE cool afternoon of Stormholt greeted my tired limbs. Frustrated after a whole morning of ceremonies for the conclusion of Cosmo and Titania's funeral, we could finally leave Steffith only at midday.
As I felt the exhilarating rush of teleportation leave my blood, I opened my eyes and the rich aroma of woody forests hit me.
Stormholt, the seat of House Valmont, and Ellesmere, the seat of Eric's House LeVane, both bordered the Ocemond Sea, the largest sea of Endollon. After all, Eric and Amphitrite were the gods who ruled over the sea and rain. Tristan nearly ruled over the entire domain of sky like Uranus before him, so being closer to the coastline did serve him too.
Emerick's family, House Rotavelle, held their Kingdom called Allington. Further west, lay Vertgate. Vertgate was home to House Emmerson.
Cosmo's youngest children, Atherton and Cymbeline Emmerson, were the original founders of their House. Yet with both of them missing after their trip to Vezort - their only son, Vivian Emmerson, the god of healing and medicine, held Vertgate.
Steffith, the capital, and Normount, home to the Everlys, were both near the polar caps. It was almost always winter there, as the conceited Drusilla, goddess of ice and ever constant winter, never allowed any season to come to pass there. Just below Normount, bordering the river Derwentwater, lay my Kingdom and the home of the Tremaynes. The kingdom of Dracnesse.
And now all six Kingdoms and the Capital were under my rule.
The afternoon was dark, honeyed and sulky, yet the sky was dotted with light billows of white clouds and the blue sea shimmering warmly nearby. Around me, everything was green, and the deep, dark greenery with smoky pines and conifers rose everywhere as far as the eye could reach. The delicious smell of the Ocemond sea nearby awakened a bubble of happiness inside my chest, until, of course, my eyes actually fell on the Valmont Castle, Hartington Castle.
"In a foul mood again, aren't we?" Tristan quipped from beside me with a cocky smile, and I looked at him, my face burning with annoyance.
"Look who's talking, Valmont," I bristled impatiently, carefully trying to hide my reaction.
"Ah. I see. What is the weather like today? Cranky with a touch of psycho like last night?" he asked, looking innocently incredulous.
"I wasn't lying!" I snapped viciously, balling my fists. "The woman was there!"