They fight - to the death.
They fight over three crowns and a throne with steel spiked maces. They despair a little more everyday keeping thei...
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I've always dreamed about this moment.
This last - final note.
It's been two and a half years writing this book. Telling this tale. Having Edwina and Tristan in my head, weaving plots and spinning rebellions.
But nothing could ever prepare me for this.
This feels so final. So ultimate. This is the last time I'm speaking to you all, the last time we're all reacting together at the end of a chapter. Except it isn't a chapter this time - it's a story. It's more than a story - it's a lifetime of memories.
This book has been with me during the worst times of my life.
I've passed boards, finished school, junior college, moved to a university, passed my first year too. I've gone through anxiety and tears and misery with this. I've gotten through some very, very bad times, intense bouts of depression with this. There have been nights when I ended up in my bed with tears.
And this book has been the only thing that got me through that.
What would my readers say? What would my friends say? How could I leave this story untold?
And trust me, that is the only thing that kept me hanging on. I couldn't leave this. I couldn't do that to you guys.
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You gave me an infinity of memories in those two years. You've all been the only ray of sunshine on a lonely day. Sometimes, all I needed was to read one comment - one person on the other side of the world asking to update, to continue this tale. Don't give up, I told myself. And I didn't, because of this book.
This story is my baby, and it's safe to say - I'm too emotional about letting go of this. There have been many times I've put off an update, slacked off writing towards the later chapters. All because I knew that if I went on, if I finished that chapter, and the one after that, and the one after that - this book was going to end. And I didn't want it to. So many times - so many times I've taken off, gone MIA, not updated in over 2 to 3 weeks. And you guys have been with me through it all.