Chapter 1

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Jessie ran as fast as she can, She has no idea if where her feet would lead her, All she want is to escape from the heartache and she doesn't care at all if how she would look at this moment.

She couldn't believe that she finally said that in front of his face, She can't take it anymore, She couldn't stop herself, she can't stay with him any longer, Glad that the show is over  , there's no reason, no excuses or whatever to see each other anymore, She can go anywhere she want without Danny.

Because within this month she'll be busy for her album and tour soon.

She told her manager that she won't go back and she will stay everywhere she want to for tonight, Tomorrow she has a flight to L.A, and she can relax for a while.


After almost an hour of walking she is now in front of the hotel, She get in to check in to take some rest without knowong how far she goes.

But she couldn't sleep when she felt her back on the soft bed, She's thinking about him, How she wish he could be fine, How she wish he'll be happy with his girlfried, How she wish he co----

Wait?! Why she's thinking too much about him? Of course he'll be fine, he's with the one he love for sure he'll be more happy, he doesn't need to play games anymore, he doesn't need to pretend that he is with her, he doesn't need to lie with those people who believes in their relationship, he doesn't need to do any stupid things coz the game is all over,  mostly she doesn't need to be a fool in front of that guy.

If she could have a chance to talk with him maybe she would...... She would......... maybe she would.......

Maybe she would thank him for taking care of her and for making her happy in just a short period of time, She'll thank him with all her heart because she learned how to trust people again and that's all because of him.

A broken hearted can be heal, She can take this heartache, All she has to do is to avoid thinking about him, Avoid on everything that will only reminds her about him.

She tried so hard to sleep now but she couldn't, Her phone is ringing and she knew it's danny, She turned off her phone and cover her head with the pillow, but she can't deny that she miss him so bad, She realized how much she need him beside her but that would never happen again, He's happy now with his girlfriend.

The next morning she woke up and realized that she's in the hotel right now, She remember everything since from last night.

She hold back her tears , She should be happy for now coz finally she's free, no more worries, no more games to play off, no more pressure and no more wild imaginations.

She's free ... She's FREE!

She smiled to herself and place her hand on his chest to feel the beat of her heart.

"Don't worry, you'll be heal, you'll be find again, It's time to face reality, you have to face the reality." She whispered to herself again she smiled.

She's been single for a long time before mike, she believe that she can go through this.

But she'll admit danny is her most precious love, Is not that easy to move on from this guy but she will try her best.

She confess her feelings for a guy for the first time, For the very first time in her life she confess first before the guy even though Danny didn't confess anything of what he feels for her, though she knew she's just a friend for him and nothing else.

Friend! That's what she hate the most, but now she's asking herself how did they end up with this, How she and Danny end up like this? Why did she approve with the plan they made? Why did she let herself to do that?...

But is she regretting for what had happen between her and Danny? She really did???

Not she didn't! Coz for her what ever had happen between them would be just the 'past' for her in the future besides She want to think that he's now an ex- lover of hers and they just broke up for some issues , all she has to do is to move on from that even though she still love him too much, she would think of that than thinking the real situation between them.

She doesn't care but movin' on is the best thing to do to get her real life back. To bring back the real her.


It's already morning and Danny still can't reach her, He's trying so hard to find her, He want to talk with her but she turned off her phone, He has no Idea where she goes last night, He has no Idea where she is at the moment,

All he want is to talk with her about their misunderstanding, He wants to let her know how much he truly love her too, How much he love her aswell since back then. He want to clear everything between them.

If he could have a chance to talk with her again, he'll make sure that he won't let her go anymore, he'll make sure he will tell her the truth, The truth about how he feels for her.

How awesome is that? They both love each other but they have no Idea, they're too blind to see that, what was the game for if they were both in love?

So it means all they did was not just a plan but also they both liked it and they don't regret for what they did? Does that also mean all those kiss were not fake but real?

Today is her flight to L.A and he know that, but this time maybe it's good to let her go for a little while, but he'll promise to himself once he got a chance to face her again he will make everything clear, he will take her back into his life, he'll start a new and real relationship with her, To marry her and make a family with her.

That's his goal, but for now he will let everything go for their own sake and to make themselves to think of everything.

Even though it will be hard for him, he has to set her free and himself as well, that is the best thing to do for now, he will find the right time in the near future and right place to fix everything up, To clean all the mess mostly to win her heart.....

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