Chapter 3

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"Danny?" She said and it feels like everything are getting slow around her.. Her heart beats too fast... She missed him.

"HEY! How can I be your boyfriend?" He said.

"P-peter?" She mumble.

"Oh yes my name is Peter not Danny, Okay? I think you miss him, do you?" He teased and get inside and flopped down on the couch.

"Shut up! So what are you doing here? Why the hell are you here?" She asked and closed the door behind her.

"I might tell Danny your reaction when you see me and thought it was him. Do we look a like?" He said while laughing, He get up on the couch and stand in front of the mirror.

"Look a like your ass! He's handsome than you!" She said and peter laughed.

"So why are you here?" She asked with her arms crossed in front of him. He sat on the couch turned the T.V on like it's his own home.

"Oh well, I found out from uncle that you adopted a baby, Since I'm near here at your place I come over to see ... it is a boy? It will be awesome, then! I want to see how cute he is." He said and she shook her head.

"You're still a talkative person I met since then! And you get inside my house without taking off your shoes!" She said and he look down at his shoes and look back at her, He gave her a peace sign.

"Oh Sorry! So where's your baby?" He asked.

"Sleeping inside the room." She reply and sat next to him.

Peter is her cousin, but sometimes they don't seem like they're cousins, when they were teenagers those people around them thought they're bestfriends but some of them thought they're more than a bestfriends, but they're just really close with each other since they were a kid.

Both of their fathers are siblings, they just got separated from each other when she had to go around the world for her tours while her cousin is also busy travelling around the world, they have no time to see each others but they always do facetime when they had a time.

And yes Peter knew that her relationship with Danny is real not fake, as it said before they told no one about their games.

"Is the daddy not home yet?" Peter asked obviously know nothing about the situation between her and Danny at the moment.

"He's busy with his own things." She simply replied.

"Oh I see." He stood up and walk straight to her kitchen.

"You're still the same." She said and Peter went back next to her with an apple in his hand.

"Don't you miss him? Do you want me to call him and I will tell him how much you miss him and about your reaction earl---"

"Oh that's enough, Peter! Danny is so busy right now, Don't disturb him." She said and Peter laughed which made her confused. "Why? Is there something in my face?" She asked and he shook his head.

"I couldn't just believe that you fell for him." He said, She ignored what he said and focus herself by watching the t.v.

"Mostly I couldn't believe what you've told me on facetime. As in for real? Mike is gay? Oh no doubt, I just couldn't believe that my thoughts were true." He said and she look back at him.

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

"I knew since then that he's not a straightman but since you were in love I didn't tell you coz you might get mad at me." He said. "But how did you fell for Danny that quick? That's what I couldn't believe." He added. She signed

"Too simple, coz he's handsome than you!" She said and laughed.

"Hey! You should answer that seriously! Not time for the jokes." He said but she just laughed and suddenly heard a crying baby from her room.

"Oh Daniel Jeremy is awake." She said and get up from the couch and walk straight to her room. Peter followed her.

"Oh I get it now! You are deadly in love with him, That's why you even named your son after him." Peter said and walk infront of him and carry the baby in his arms. He got it first.

"Hey! Do you know how to carry a baby like him?" She asked and trying to hold the baby under his arms.

"Of course, I do my cousin! Remember when Hannah gave birth to his youngest, Rueben, I stayed in London for a month and I took care of him." He said and he started to talk to the baby and kiss him.

"Gosh, Peter stop kissing him!" She said and trying to get the baby from her cousin but he turned his back to her.

"Why?!" He asked.

"You have a beard! And I don't want hi--"

"Hep! My beard is clean and besides I took a very very long bath before I came here!" He said and sat on the bed and started to play with Baby DJ.

"Okay fine, but please don't hurt him or I'll kick you out here." She reminded him but he just laughed.

She knew how much her cousin love those babies, He really loves babies since then.


"Hey, Dan! Not feeling well or not in a mood?" His sister, Vicky asked.

"Just thinking about her." He answered, His sister smiled and sat on the chair opposite him while he's looking at the views.

"Why don't you try to give her a call?" His sister said.

"She won't pick up if I do." He said and a take a sip of his coffee.

"Have you tried to tell her?" Vicky asked but he shook his head. "Why don't you try? If it's difficult for you to face her why don't you just text her and tell her you love her the same?" His sister advice.

"I'd love to tell her that while she's in front of me." He replied.

"Then go and book a ticket and talk to her." She said. He sighed.

"I just want to give her time." He replied.

"Time? What kind of time? To think of what she said? or to wait for you if you'll tell her you love her too? You're running out of time ,Dan. The more you let her wait or let the time to run and not doing anything, you're just making her hurt. Who knows how she is right now? How do she feel right now? Do you think what do she feel after she told you that?" Vicky said, Oh well she has a point.

His family already knew about what happened between him and Jessie, They were sad to find out the truth, but they're not losing their hopes that he and Jessie will gonna be okay.

He loves Jessie and Jessie loves him, they both love each other.

He look away from his sister and look back at the views and took a deep breath.

"Make sure, you'll tell her before it's too late, Try to do what do you think will make you better." She said.

"Do I really need to tell her that too?" He asked.

"Of course you have to, Mr. O'donoghue or you will never make her your wife in the future, You need to tell her as soon as possible or you will regret in the future." Vicky said.

He get his phone out from his pocket and went straight to his contact list.

It tooks him 2 minutes before clicking the green telephone sign next to Jessie's name to call her.

Calling My Love.......

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