Chapter 7

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His girlfriend is currently busy with some of her show, while their adopted son is currently in the hands of his girlfriend's parents while him, also have some shows in america but he decided to be in UK for a while to see this person.

He's at the forest where there are only few people around, he chose this place so he won't be crowded.

He walk further away where there is no one can see him and waiting for someone.

After a few minutes of waiting he finally saw someone he's been waiting walking near to him.

He walk as well and grabbed his polo shirt right away when he reached him.

"How dare you to do that?!" He said and the guy trying to removed his hands on him.

"Calm down!" The guy said

"I cannot calm down, Karl! I've been waiting to see you since I met that infant! How could you do it?!" He said and pushed him away which the guy lost his balance. He get back up and face Danny.

"Danny, please! I know what you mean and I know why you are getting mad at me. But that is the only thing I could do, You know me, I don't do such a thing, I just did because that's what you told me." He explained himself.

"You almost kill the baby!" He said and he can feel his eyes gone red.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry? That is the only thing you can say? After I found out from Jessie the baby almost die when she found him?" He said.

"I don't know anything about that. You know I have told you this, I don't know about taking care of the baby." He said

"Karl, karl, Karl!! I told you to buy a basket or a stroller and put the baby there and left him in front of  Jessie's door. But damn you man! You used the rope just to put him in her garden and left nothing even a bottle of milk!" He said still angry.

"I told you I cannot do it but you still force me, I left him there before the sun rise." He said.

"Do you know what she told me? The baby smells so bad, he was too hungry and there is nothing to fed him even just one bottle of milk. I gave you money karl, where did you use them? You make his life miserable for hours." He said

"I'm sorry. I thought it would be okay, I even wait for her to get out to see if she would get him safe before I even leave the place." He said.

"Well, he wasn't safe when you left him. He's just a baby who cannot take care of himself yet! Thanks to alisha who is near at the market, Jessie asked her a favor to bought everything that infant needs." He said.

"I'm sorry." The guy said.

"No one should find out about this. If somebody find out, know what I can do to you!" He said and the guy nod.

"Go back to your own business, you will keep your mouth shut!" He said and the guy started to walk away.

At somehow it's his fault for asking this guy a favor. A drug addict, but what else he could do? He cannot ask anyone, this guy is the closest one to the mother of the baby. He don't know him personally, but he just met this guy because he is the one who told him everything about the baby and to what happen about the real mother of the son that Jessie adopted.

And he regret everything now, If he didn't do such a thing, he wouldn't be in this situation.

He doesn't want Jessie to find out about him and this guy's secret. No one should know!

He wander around and see no one but karl walking away from him.

He picked rocks near at his feet and started to throw them far away one by one.

He heard his phone ringing. And he saw that it's his girlfriend..

It's a video call. He answered right away and smile at the camera. He saw Jessie smiling with DJ in her arms. He then feel guilt as he saw the infant in her arms.

"Hi daddy!" Jessie said, she looks so happy and she saw alisha behind her styling her hair.

"Hi! I missed you both!" He said. Yes, He loves the baby now because of Jess.

One of the reason why he did that to the baby. So that he can accept him and love him, He started to love the baby because of Jessie, He saw how much she really love this little boy.

"Where are you, Dad?" Jessie asked.

"Ah, at the forest. Just having some fresh air." He said and he saw her smile.

"Look at your son, He just woke up but he looks so tired." She said and he laughed with that and saw their baby yawning.

"Maybe you made him tired, He just couldn't tell that Mummy I'm so tired working." He said in a baby talk and Jessie laughed.

"He did nothing but sleep, how could he get tired?" She said and they both laughed.

"I thought he's with your parents?" He asked.

"Yeah, I asked my sister to brought him here since I missed him so bad." She said.

"Ah that's why. I hope you'll enjoy every moment with our son." He said.

"Of course we will. Just hoping you're here with us." She said..

"I'll see you soon, Jess, I'll promise to be with both of you soon." He said.

"I love you, Dan!" She said and he smile.

"I love you too, Jess!" He said. If he could only kiss her.

"The ants are biting my legs." He heard alisha said behind Jessie. Jess look at her.

"What?" She asked and he saw her looking at alisha's legs.

"Stop being so sweet so ants will leave." She said and laughed. He saw that Jessie turns red like a tomatoes and look at him so shy.

"Dan, I'll go ahead. We need to prepare. Your son wants to sleep again." She said and blow him a kiss. He blew her one too.

"So cute!" He whispered when Jess ended the call.

He put his phone back in his pocket and started to walk to leave the forest.

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