Chapter 2

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It's been a week since she flew back in L.A, and she's back at london 2 days ago, She had a show last night at wembley stadium

And as of the moment her manager gave her a few days of break to take some rest, And she's here living in her small house in UK. She's planning to go back home to her family by next week.

While eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee she heard something from outside of her house.

She has her own house in U.K coz she wants to be alone sometimes while taking a break from work that's why she decided to bought a small house in U.K last year for her to have a stable place to stay.

She ignored the noise from outside and continue eating her breakfast, the next but the sounds is getting louder, She get up from her chair and look out from the window but she saw nothing, but she saw the grass moving next to her tree near at the gate.

She get out from her house to check it out, her gate is locked but she saw a rope over there. She get closer to the tree, the grass is still moving, she can still hear the noise until she saw the unexpeted.

She quickly get closer and carry the infant, How come that there's a baby in here? And the baby is too little and it's crying but too hard to breath, How long he's been crying? Oh damn!, it only has a towel around it, She think, wait... it is a new born baby?

Who is the parents of this baby? Why did they left it here? There are no things for the baby, not a bottle of milk or what ever for the baby but she saw a piece of paper at the towel wrapped around the baby and it said.

He's a new born baby, He was born yesterday, June 9, 2012 and his mother died from giving birth, he has no father either, he only has his mother but sad to say she passed away, I'm not related to him and I can't raise a child, I don't know how to take care of a child. So who ever can see him please adopt him and give him a family he needs, I'm so sorry for abandoned him.

That's it and it has no name at all. What the fuck?!

The baby is still crying, Maybe he's hungry, She walked back inside the house and thinking what she need to do with him.

Until alisha came up in her mind. She put the baby down on the couch and she found out that he has nothing except the towel wrapped around him. She call alisha.

After a few rings alisha picked up the phone.

"What do you need this early morning?" Alisha asked.

"Sorry for bothering you, but your hotel is near at the market, please do me a favor, Buy a milk for an infant add the baby bottle, please also buy a baby clothes it's a boy, for a new born baby, okay? And diapers an---"

"Wait, why do you need them?" Alisha asked her.

"I have no time to explain, please buy everything I've said, and come over here, Please do it in hurry, This is an urgent!." She said and alisha said yes, she hang up and get a warm water to wash the baby because the smell is not so good.

She get a new towel in her closet for the baby and she carefully give it a quick bath.

After a bath, alisha is not here yet, the baby is so hungry and he's crying.... Poor baby.

She carry him in her arms to stop him from crying and sing for him a lullaby even though she felt that he's really hungry now.

After 5 minutes finally alisha came with the things she suggested, alisha seems so shocked when she saw her with the baby but she didn't bother to explain, she put the baby down the couch and get the milk from the bag and the bottles.

After cleaning the bottle she make him a milk and fed him.

Alisha is just sitting next to her staring at the baby and also waiting for her to say something.

"I saw him lying at the grass next the tree." She said.

"What? How? You didn't lock your gate?" Alisha asked.

"I did, but there's a rope hanging in there, There's even a letter." She said and get the letter she saw from the baby and gave it to alisha.

She wait for her to finish until....

"WHAT? So what are you planning to do with that baby, now?" Alisha asked. She don't know either, but she don't want the baby to live anywhere with no parents.

"Maybe I can adopt him." She said from out of no where.

"What? Are you sure with that?" Alisha asked her and she nod

"Or else where could I leave him? At the orphanage or somewhere else? He's just a baby." She said.

"At the hospital." Alisha said.

"Hospital? Hospital is for those people who is ill, It's not a baby's adoption." She said.

"I know, but how will you adopt him?" Alisha asked.

"I will fix everything to make him mine, To become his mother.." She said. She will just the same as the person who abandoned this baby if she will not adopt him.

"If that's what you want, But what about your family?" Alisha asked

"I will talk to them, but I won't tell public, If public will know, I wouldn't tell them that he's adopted, instead I will tell them he is my son." She replied and now she is pretty sure and she really want to adopt him, the baby is so cute.

"If you're sure with that why not? I will support you. Be a good mum for that baby. He's so cute, I wish I was the first one who saw him before you." Alisha said and she laughed a bit and put her tongue out. They laughed.


After a week the baby is getting better now after those check ups, He's healthy now than the first time she held him in her arms and finally after a week the baby is hers now, she fixed everything, his birth certificate and She is now the new mummy of the baby and she decided to name him as Daniel Jeremy Cornish, DJ for short.

He's one week old now, His birth date is June 09, 2012… 

Though she's busy with her work, she managed to take care of him, Glad that Alisha is always with her, there's someone who can take care for her son while she's on rehearsal.

Her family also knew about the baby, they were so happy though when they found out, Tomorrow she's going back home so that they will personally see her son.

And it's been 2 weeks now, She miss Danny like crazy but she has to move on, She even block him everywhere so that she can easily forget everything about him.

But she's wrong, the more she tried to move on from him is the more she's thinking alot about him.

Her son is sleeping at his crib, and yes she bought him everything he needs, she personally take care of him.

While scrolling down on her phone she decided to unblock danny on her contact list, twitter and everything, She stalk him a little, the moment she saw his picture made her emotional.

A few minutes later she heard a knock on her door.

She walked out the room and when she open the door .....

"Danny?" She said and it feels like everything are getting slow around her.. Her heart beats too fast... She missed him.


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