Chapter 1

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Sabrina knocked on the door and I shooted downstairs. I knew
it was her because she knocked her favorite song.

I left a note for mum and left for school. Sabrina was like a sister to me. We had been friends the dawn of time. It seems like forever.

The journey to school was always Sabrina just staring at cute boys, her waving her hands in he casual excited was and me rolling my eyes. My eyes got tired after 2 mins as someone "cute" went passed every bloody 30 seconds.

Grace, Henry, and Ryan stood waiting for us in our usual meeting place.

"Look who finally showed up. I even left after you." Ryan says in a sarcastic tone.

Ryan was my twin brother. He looked like me. Both with smooth brown hair, mine long and his short. However I have big, round glasses. Some of our teachers (especially the more older ones) get us confused. Like how?! It is practically impossible. For starters, he's a boy and I'm a girl. Then we have our hair lengths. I have glasses, he doesn't. The list could go on!

While we were walking into school, Sabrina kept doing her hand waving thing when boys walked past. Grace decided to join in so Henry, Ryan and I got sore eyes from rolling our eyes at them.


Maths was dreadful! Ryan kept kicking my chair, Grace was humming a little too loudly (but Miss Gibbons didn't notice) and Henry kept asking for answers. I'm not really smart in general but in maths, I'm the modern version of Hermione Granger. Miss Gibbons hates me though. She always tries to give me a bad mark but she can't.

Anyway, after lunch was even worse. We were sitting at our usual table when Charlie walked over to annoy me like he always does.

Charlie was my cousin. He loved music. He lived and breathed music. Everywhere you go with him he is humming or singing so much that you want to slap him right across the face. Charlie was from my mums side and looked nothing like his mum. He had blonde hair and occasionally wears glasses. In my opinion, he looks cuter in his glasses.

As soon as Sabrina had droppend me off for the last time this week, I ran to my room and watched YouTube because nothing could be better than absalutly nothing.

That all ended pretty soon as Ryan came home late and mum was giving him a massive lectuere. I endded up having to put my ear phones in to listen to music as I walked downstairs for food.

Of course I was getting food because if you don't see me eat in a half hour period then you are either blind or in a parallel universe. Food is me life! 🍔

Summer. The big time to chill and have a holiday. Ryan and I are the only ones who calls it holiday as we both have a British accent from our dad.

People in our classes mutter under their breath the American word for what we said. Sometimes I just wanna give them a slap.

Any hoo. Summer. Imagine all you can do in the 7 weeks we are off for for the summer holidays. All Ryan does is play on the X-Box unlike me. I always go somewhere with my friends and occasionally Ryan comes with us. He only really comes if there is a Starbucks involved but we mainly go to Costa.

Grace, Sabrina and I do a monthly shopping trip at the end of each month. As I only get $10 pocket money, I do chores around the house which conclude to $1 or $2 per job. I end up getting $20 or $25 extra!

Ryan does some jobs with me but the way he earns his jackpot is selling his own cover albums. Well, there not properly produced but he has a licence to sell them. Also, he busks. He gets about $10 each from the cds and about $5 from the busking.

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