Chapter 8

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I couldn't even go to school this week. Everyone was bound to come up to me. I  couldn't do it anymore. This is all Charlie's fault. If he hadn't leaked a video of me singing then I wouldn't be in this mess.

However, tonight was the concert. I've been waiting for this since forever but after the video of me in the park was shared, I dont know. The boys have been trying to convince me but it isn't working.

"Tillie, there is a package at the door." Ryan called from the front door.

I went to he door, signed the form and went back upstairs. Ryan asked what it even was. I just opened it and gave him one of the items inside. He chose the white hoodie with black writing on and I said he could have it.

His face looked as if I had just given him an alien device and told him to work it. He had no-clue.

I got ready for the gig with the help of Charlie. He can be a huge help alot of the time. This is one of those times. I had a terrible decision to make. Which hoodie to wear? In the package, there was a load of Max and Harvey merch. I was just helping them out really. There was literally one of everything. I decided to wear: the black hoodie with white writing on; some black jeans; my black and white adidas shoes; and did my hair into the hair style I did for my birthday.

I went over to the mirror and looked fabulous. The clock says 3:00 pm. I really need to get a move on. Harvey said to be a bit earlier so we could have time to rehearse.

Tillie 🙊: just left
Max 😄: ok.
Harvey 💕: k. see you in a min then x

When I read the message from Max, I knew something was fishy. The way he used punchuation makes it sound, well look, like he is up to something.


It was 3:30 and I was just going round to see Harvey in the dinner in the same building as the show because he said he had a surprise for me. I didn't know how to react to what I saw on the way to meeting him. Well, I saw him. With one of Max's hats on. Kissing Holly. WHAT THE FUCK?!

Tears streamed down my face. I ran past them and into the dinner to where he was gonna meet me. I ordered a banana milkshake. They always made me feel better. A familiar figure walked over and asked what was up.

It was ok to tell Ryan as he was one of the only people who knew about me and Harvey.

Once I had told him, he took a sip of my milkshake and said it would be ok. Next thing I know is that Harvey walked in. He was wearing different clothes and was on his phone texting someone. Once he had put it into his pocket, my phone buzzed.

Harvey ☹: hey. just arrived. you might find it hard to find me as Max took my outfit that I was gonna wear. I'll be in the corner x
(5 mins later)
Harvey ☹: where are you? You arn't usually late x
Tillie 🙊: Look up..

I watched him glance up and run over as soon as he could. He must have seen my tears because he wrapped an arm around me. However, I shoved him off. His face quickly turned to a confused expression.

"What the hell are you play at. You think you can just go kiss Holly and walk over to me and pretend like nothing happened. I don't think so."

"What are you going on about? I would never do that to you!" He replied. The thing was, I knew he wasn't lieing.

If it was not Harvey kissing Holly, it must have been Max. But why would he be wearing Harvey's Superdry hoodie and his purple jeans? I don't get it.

Harvey just said he would explain earlier. I gently plassed the locket that he had given me for my birthday around his neck incase they decide to do anything fishy. We then headed towards the stage to rehurse. Max smiled at me but I just gave him a glare. He had changed into his clothes that he planned to wear for tonight plus the hat he wore earlier. That is Einstein. Even Ryan could have done better and he as a brain like a potato. He looked puzzled at the glare. I knew he knew full well why I did it.

We went through a few songs. And we were good to go. It was around 5 when we finished. I was exausted! We went backstage and luckily, there was a couch in there right next to the door. Me and Max both saw it at the same time so we both ran for it. I mannaged to get their before him. I stretched my legs out so I was lying down. I wasn't being selfish because there were at least 5 sofas in here. I clossed my eyes and began to doze off....

We are on stage at our gig when the boys finnaly introduced me on. As soon as I walked on, the crowd went from cheering to an awkward silence.

"Get off!" Some guy yells from the crowd then everyone joins in. I turn to look at Max and Harvey. Even they were laughing at me.

"You're a joke!" Said Max
"You really thought we were being serious!" Harvey added.
"No one likes you!" They bothed laughed together.

They just wanted to make fun of me. Even my friends and Charlie were laughing. I ran for the exit but there was no way out.

I could hear someone calling my name. I leaned against the wall and curled up. The voise is still calling my name.

"Tillie? Can you hear me? I guess I'll just have to play Jacob Sartor-" Harvey was teasing.

"I'm up. Please don't play it!" I laughed stealing his phone.

He reached for it but I didn't give it back until I sat up properly. They sat either side of me. Max told me that I had a nightmare. There was still 2 hours left until the show so we filmed an instagram Q&A video.


One More Day in Love was their opening song. I was que to sing all the other songs with them. My palms filled with sweat. Max gave me a smile from where he was standing.

This is my chance. They call my name and I know I have to go. I stepped forward and took one look at the crowd. Somehow, I looked like I knew what I was doing when I had no-idea. Who knew I would become famous.

We sang the last song Stuck On the Ceiling  and I only joined in with the chorus. Once we had gone backstage, something just happened out of no where. One minute, I was living my dream. The next, I had fainted onto the floor. The last thing I heard was faint murmer from Max and Harvey.


Well. Yeah. This was a bit random but I had a good idea that Max would pretend to be Harvey and kiss Holly. But why?

Your not gonna find out just yet because I'm a mean bitch.. Jk. You can find out in the next chapter. K. Bye.

ZL14 ☆

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