Chapter 4

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Well, I've been grounded. So has Ryan but to be honest, what can he do now that he has hurt himself all over bassically. Mum fount out that I lied to her about seeing Max and Harvey. That was the reason Ryan was in that fight anyway. I send a quick text to Charlie if I can come into the studio to record a cover album today. He said it should be fine. But mum was very clear that I couldn't go. She finally loosened up and let me go.

Music always makes me feel better no matter what. Singing is even better. I like to listen to music that I can relate to. That is the kinda music I like to listen too.


When I put the headphones on, I felt like I wasn't in this world. I felt free and trouble-free.

I was going to sing a collection of songs that we spent half an hour deciding but it was definatly worth it. I was aloud to choose the title of the album but I wont tell anyone. Not even Charlie.

Whilst in the recording of the song we were recording today, Max and Harvey walked in. They were smiling and drank some water as they must be having a quick five minute break from their own recording. I couldn't just ignore them though. I kept looking over and smiling. One or two times, my eyes interlocked with Harvey's. I found myself looking down after.

When they had left, I had only one more recording to do before it was compleate. I sang with all of my heart. Nothing felt better.

When I got home, I uploaded my cover of Imagination by Shawn Mendes. Within 1 hour, it had gained 1M views. How?!

Just then, Ryan asked me to come down for dinner. He was feeling a bit better but was still battered and brused. At dinner, we were silent. You could hear a pin drop. I managed to break the silence but only just.

"Do you think it is possible if I can do my monthly shop with Sabrina and -" I said but was cut off be the loud, sudden baning knocks on the front door. We all jumped out of our skins at the sound of it.

What was going on? I peeked outside of my bedroom window to find people with : cameras ready to take photos; people with signs saying 'We love you Tillie' ; and people for miles up crouding up and blocking the pavement. What?

I then remembered the advice Charlie gave me. If this actually works, which I dout it will, I have to give Charlie $10. Stupid bets. I put on a hoodie as it was slightly chilly. I opened the door and tryed to back them off saying that I was incredibly ill when I got home and I couldn't go near anyone. That made everyone dissappear quickly.

Charlie maraculasly walked up the path at that moment. He held his hand out. I reached into my pocket and found a $10. Furiously, I slammed it in his hand, rolld my eyes and went to eat my pasta before it had gone even colder than it actually was.


(I'm using this text layout from someone elses book but I can't remember their name)

Harvey 😉: Leaving for London in 2 days. Wanna go for one last coffee?
Tillie 🙊: Sure. Costa?
Harvey 😉: Yh. See you then x

Wait, what? Harvey put a kiss on the end of that text? I'm guessing it is just in a friendly way?

In Costa, Max and Harvey were sat at a table. I slided into the seat next to Harvey. A coffee waoted for me in my space. I reached for my money but Max insisted I didn't pay them back. I couldn't help but notice there was a fourth coffee on the table. It was half drunk, a caramel cooler woth extra toffee pieces on. What was Holly doing here?!

"Wha- Bu- Huh-?" I stummered whilst pointing at the coffee.

"Max's new girlfriend from school was over and we decided to invite her along. Is everything ok?"

I just stared at the coffee. How could she be here and not tell me? And why didn't she tell me she was going out with Max? I have so many questions that I cant ask because I would look like a freak.

That is when it gets a little more complicated. Holly got back. She smoled on shock but I quickly snached her coffee and drank some. Max gave me a look but me and Holly just laughed.

"I'm best friends with Holly. We were at school together when I lived in London for a year. I went to your school. I was in your class?" I expalined.

"You. In our class at school. For a year. I knew I recognised you from somewhere!" Max claimed.

We walked to the park for a bit but then I got a text. From Ryan?

Ryan 💩: Might wanna head home. Mum will be back in half an hour and she dosn't know your out.
Tillie 🙊: How am I suppost to just leave?
Ryan 💩: Bring them back here. Mum left her phone behind so I'll fake a convosation with her from your phone when you get back.
Tillie 🙊: Thanks x

How do I just say that we need to go back now?

"Anyone wanna come back to mune and watch a movie or something?" I asked suttely.

"I will but those too have a date." Harvey said.


That night was the best night I had had in a while. We watched Rick and Morty, I became ungrounded and Harvey stayed for a sleepover.

We were watching Netflix on the sofa until we finished the final episode of season three. There wasn't much to watch so we put on some crappy films.

My brain was turning off a bit so I lent my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind. At the end of Pixels, Harvey and I went upstairs to finally get some sleep. Harvey came in and said good night and kissed my forehead. The thing is that I didn't mind that much. I just snoozed off into a deep sleep...


I wake up the next moring to the smell of delisious bacon. I squint at my clock because I haven't got my glasses on. I put them on and see the time. It is half past ten. I slip on a hoodie and head downstairs towards the kitchen. To my surprise, Harvey was cooking breakfast.

"Morning" he said and I just smiled.
"Cute glasses" he added, turning back towards he bacon.

He placed the perfectly cooked bacon on a plate. I smiled at him. He smiled at me. We smiled until Ryan came down and took a peice of bacon off my plate. I gave him a gentle nuge as he is still hurting from the fight. I didn't mind though.

After breakfast, we decided to watch some TV. When I went onto Netflix, there was a loud bang at the front door. Who would be out of their house in the place called outside at 11 in the morning?

I reached for the door handle when they nocked again which made me jump out of my skin. When I opened the door, I was shocked of who and what I saw...

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