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A/n: I'M SO SORRY I'M A HORRIBLE AUTHOR I CAN'T EVEN UPDATE DECENTLY! I can't believe you guys still read this, it honestly amazes me since I have the actual WORST writing schedule. I'm going to try super hard to try to get a chapter out about every 2 weeks, maybe even 1. Anyways, enough rambling about how I'm a horrible writer and even worse planner. Thank you guys so much for all your support and enjoy (if you can lmao)!
(Y/n) P.O.V
As the cord snapped, everything in the pod started falling. Metals fell off their shelves and onto the floor. Cans started tipping over and spilling. Cloths started floating from their places to the floor. I grabbed onto Mark's arm's tighter as I tried to keep myself from being stuck to the floor of the cabin. I squeeze my eyed shut, the pain in my head starting to come back, more intense than before. I clutch my head, the pressure intensifying. As pressure builds up, I realize a core fact: after this cabin rockets out of the water, it's going to go up, then come back down. The impact of the cabin on water could definitely result in injury and maybe even broken bones. I nudge Mark weakly with my shoulder. He looks down at me, arms still secure in their original place around my torso.
"Mark, if we don't leave, the landing of the pod on water will injure both of us and then we're screwed because no one could get supplies." I groan, crawling toward the door. He picks me up bridal style, carries me to the door as he kicks it open. I see the surface approaching quickly. The pod is moving too fast for water to seep in, making the pod remain dry on the inside. He jumps out as the roof breaks through the water's top. My feet break through the water once again as embraces my body. I burst through the surface, looking up as the pod goes up about 10 feet then falls back down with a big splash. The impact causes a few big waves to be sent our way, making the journey back to the house harder. After swimming, we reach the pod again. Mark opens the door and helps me up into the doorway. I cough, muffling it with my hand, but as I pull it away, blood is on my black suit. My head, still hurting, makes everything that's going on 10 times worse. The world is spinning, resulting in me grabbing the wall to balance on. Looking at our creation of a structure, everything was on the floor. Glass jars were tipped and broken, water bottles spilt all over the floor, blueprints scattered in different places. Anything that was in the house was on the floor. I climb the ladder slowly to see the things in cabinets were safe, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. Going back down the ladder, Mark is already starting to clean up. I help him pick up a few items and put them back in their rightful places. I picked up a spilt water bottle and put it on the shelf as it could be used to collect water in the future. We continued this process in silence until Mark noticed I was cleaning up.
"(Y/n). You shouldn't be doing that!" Mark scolded like a parent talking to their kid about sneaking into the candy jar.
"But Maaaarrrrkkkk! I wanna helpppppp!" I groan, plopping down on the bed next to me.
"(Y/n), even your body knows it needs rest, look, you just sat down on the bed!" Mark says, putting a miraculously unbroken pot back onto a shelf. A sigh leaves my mouth before a fit of coughing erupts. More blood spurts out of my mouth and onto my hand. Mark hands me a rag that I use to wipe the blood from my suit. I tuck the rag into a pocket in my suit and pat it. I kick a broken jar shard over to the trash can in the corner. Mark goes over and starts picking up all the broken pots and jars, putting the pieces in the trash. I lay on the bed, curled up in a ball. Mark picks up a grey blanket that was on the floor, shakes it around, then lays it on me.
"Get some rest (Y/n), you need it." Mark says, kissing my forehead. I close my eyes and feel Mark lay down next to me. My conscious drifts off as the sea lulls me to sleep with Mark's arms around me.

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