Ch. 2

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Hopefully this a same day update. Anyway, I'm not wasting any time here, so on with the story.

Colby's p.o.v.

I am walking in the woods with the cutest boy alive. Did I mention that I am gay as fuck? I have had a crush on him since I knew his name. I look up in the tree's and spot an old treehouse.

"Dude, look!" I pointed upwards.

"Onward to the abandoned tree house!" He says with his soft voice and laughs. (See what I did there? Onward and Upwards? Ehh. Only Sam and Colby fans get that joke.)

I am a ninja at home, so I climbed the tree no problem. But when I looked down at Sam. He was clinging onto the tree for dear life. I chuckled, "Need help?"

"Noo.... Maybe." He slipped, a scream escaped his lips and fell just out of arm reach. I grabbed onto a branch lower than I was and swung myself onto it. "I promise anything that happened here, stays here. And lol, you scream like a girl."

I reached down for his hand and he hesitantly grabbed it, probably afraid I was gonna drop him. I pulled him up and damn, he was light! "Do you even eat though?" I asked in a joking way. He looked up me and answers. "Yeah. I'm alive, aren't I?"

"Well then, Sam, let's keep climbing!" I say and I lift my hand up to grab another branch to realize that I was still holding his hand. He blushed madly, apologized and pulled himself up onto the branch I was sitting on.

"How about you go first so I can catch you if you fall?" I suggested.

"That seems like a good idea." He laughed, his blush went away.

Sam's p.o.v.

Shit! I just embarrassed myself twice in three minutes in front of a really hot guy. I just mentally face palmed. But now he's climbing behind me.

I wondered what he was thinking about. I reached for the tree house floor but just as I did, my foot slipped. "Shit!" I exclaimed. All of a sudden I'm not falling. He had caught me. Colby was so strong. "You need to stop slipping." He said. I laughed and said ok.

I grabbed a branch before I slipped out of his grip. We finally made it to the tree house. I was a little tired. But it was fun.

No one's p.o.v.

Colby had suggested to play twenty questions. Sam agreed.

"Alright, Sam, what's your favorite color?" Colby asked.
"I'd have to say,.. blue." Sam answered.

"Favorite food?" Sam questioned.
"Pizza, duh." Colby replied as if Sam already knew the answer.

"Do you have a crush?" Colby asked, genuinely wanting to know.
"Uh.. N-no-nope." Sam managed to stutter out with his face flushed cherry red.

Colby wasn't stupid so he knew he was lying. He knew exactly what his next question was going to be.
"Alright, favorite movie?" Sam asked, his face returning to his normal pale skin.
"Don't have one." Colby said.

"My turn....." Colby pretends to think of a question, "What's your sexuality?"


Alright. Another chapter. 522 words, not including this little segment. I gtg write the next chapter! Bye! Bye!

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