Ch. 5

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Hey, if you're here, you kept an eye out for the later chapter! Thanks and keep reading, it gets good! I have butterflies in my stomach just writing it and I'm the author! Well, duh. Anyway, one with the story!

Colby's p.o.v.

I didn't notice until he said, "Yeah. Really.", that he was now right in front of me. I knew where this was going immediately. (Gaaahhhhh! Can't. Contain. Emotions. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!)
I pulled him closer and kissed him. I pulled Sam on the bed. (Omg I'm sorry but it's soooooo cuuuuuttttteee!!!!!!!!!)

No one's p.o.v.

They 'tussled' around on the bed for a couple minutes. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Sam and Colby got up and immediately fixed they're hair and shirt. Sam pointed at the door and pushed Colby towards it while he sat on his bed.

The door opened to a kid that looked kind of like one of the ones before. At least to Sam. Colby knew who he was, "I told you I don't want to hang out."

"That's not what I'm here for."

"Then why are you here?"

"Let me come in."

"Uh..," Colby looked back at Sam, "Why?"

"Just let me in."

"Umm..," Colby looked back at Sam and mouthed, 'Fix your hair!', and waited a second, "Ok." He opened the door and let him in.

"So you're Sam?" Corey asked rudely, "The 'secretly' gay boy." He added with air quotes around 'secretly'.

Sam scoffed and replied, "Yeah, I'm Sam."

Colby butted in, "I can already tell this is gonna turn into a fight and I know who's gonna lose. No offense Sam."

"Eh, none taken."

"What's your deal, Colby?" Corey asked.

"What'cha mean? I'm still me." Colby replied with his question, obvious confusion rolling of his tongue. (That was a really good line!)

"You've been acting weird since you met this guy!" Corey said, clueless of their newfound 'relationship' (Don't worry and don't throw rocks at me! There'll be, in a near future, a chapter dedicated to that shiz.)

"Sometimes people make new friends." Colby said and he meant it. Except it's something a little more than friends. "If you have a problem with that... leave."

"What?!" He said in shock of what his best friend had said.

"Leave. You're not welcome here right now."

"Bu-Wha-Co-Colby?!" He said still in a state of shock.

"You heard me. Leave." Colby said, looking like he was either gonna cry or explode into a ball of anger, Sam couldn't decide. "Corey. Go, before I do something we'd both regret."

Corey stormed off and slammed the door behind him. "So much for just coming out." Sam said in a serious and joking way.

"He's a homophobe. All of them are, except Devyn. She's bi." Colby answered seriously.

"How do you know?" Sam asked, curiosity forming in his thoughts.

"She took a bold move and told everybody. She was gonna get kicked out of our group of friends until I reminded them how good of an asset she is. I was gonna ask her how she did it until she started being bullied by Corey and Elton. The worst ones." Colby answered obviously on the brink of tears from everything that just suddenly happened and bringing up old memories.

"Come here." Sam grabbed Colby's hand and pulled him onto his bed. "I know you'll feel better after this because it time for round two."

Pulling Colby on top of him and pressing their lips together in one smooth, flawless motion. "Thank you." Colby whispered into the kiss that went deeper into a second make-out session.

606 words. It's 3 A.M. I'm tired. This was a long chapter. Your welcome for that. Bye! Sleep is a necessity for bodies to function properly.

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