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Ask your questions here. If they are asked anywhere else they will be ignored.

BLOCK ONE: @AnnaQuin07 asked the following -

1. Is it mandatory to follow this account?

ANS: No, it is not mandatory but is recommended.

2. "The rules say we're allowed two entries per author. Do they have to be in separate award categories?"

ANS: It would be preferable if they were in separate categories, but they don't have to be.

3. "How many contestants will you need in the categories before you judge? What if a category doesn't fill up before the end of the 'season'?"

ANS: After much deliberation, we will need 140 NOVELS to be entered and 21 judges (or more) in order to move into Judging. We only need 140 novels, as since each author is allowed 2 entries per author, we could have only 70 authors for we know, so we count by the amount of novels.

If we do not meet this required amount of novels before this season ends, which we plan to end by September, then we will hold it off until we get the specified amount of entries. We will announce shout outs and have a Tag page, where we'd ask users to tag authors who might be interested to enter before the Contest is closed.

If we do not reached the stipulated amount of judges before the end of the season, then the judging process will likely take longer. To accommodate this the contest will not be launched until the required amount of judges are met, and the same measures will be taken. There will be a Last Chance shout out to judges until the specific amount of judges are met.


4. Do I have to submit my novel via PM?

ANS: No, please submit in the SUBMIT chapter so we can keep track of the submissions.

5. Does my book have to be completed?

ANS: No. It should have a minimum of 3 chapters.

6. Do I have to put the #faa and the specific award category in my novel's tag section?

ANS: Yes this is mandatory and minimizes the likelihood of your novel being unaccounted for or left out.

Please add the #faa2017 and the specific category tag. i.e. #faasapling #faagrammarian #faastride.

If you've any questions please feel free to ask.

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