17: Finale

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(There will be an epilogue after this)

Anna's POV

I walked into the room, and the two dorks were watching the news. Alex pointed to the screen, but Emily looked at me instead of the TV.

"Anna?" She asked in confusion. Alex looked at me too, and immediately stood up.

"Where the heck were you when I went over to your house? I was going to tell you that Emily was in the hospital, but you were gone. Where else could you have gone? Into the woods by yourself? Are you asking for a death wish? Emily would have killed me if anything happened to you? What about sticking together? Does that not matter anymore? Do we don't matter? Do you seriously want to get killed?" Alex yelled at me, putting his foot down for once. It's about time that boy stood up for something. He is soft. He really needs to be firm on things.

"Stop talking. Listen carefully. I was in the woods. But I was safe. I was up a tree-" I was saying until Emily cut me off.

"Did you fall? Did you tree scratch you? Was it the messed up tree that I fell from?" Emily asked an asked.

"No. I was in a tree. But it was secure. I sat up there to cool off after my argument with Alex. He just makes me so mad. And I might have possibly knocked down a very thin tree when I was hitting it with a tree limb I found. But to sum it up, I was in a safe spot." I sighed, sitting on the bed. They both took in deep breaths.

"Look at the news though. It's ghost face!" Alex pointed to the screen. We both looked and the mask was off.

That was Evelyn!

"Evelyn? She's ghost face? No way. Not possible. She's a nice person." Emily shook her head. But Alex knows what he saw. Emily's parents were killed, and Evelyn gave herself away on camera. And to be honest, it wasn't hard to believe.

Then we heard something on the intercom.

'We are on emergency lockdown, please lock down the-'

Then the rest was cut off. Why is the place on lockdown?

"What's going on?" Emily asked, putting a ice pack on her head after she sat up. I don't know why see needed that right now, but just let the girl be."

"No idea. Should I check it out?" I asked, heading for the door. Both of them were shouting at me, but me being me, I wasn't listening to them. So I walked out, but immediately regretted it.

Ghost face was standing right outside the door. Well, I did find the reason it was on lock down. But when I went to turn around, they grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go you psychopath!" I shouted, trying to pul myself out of their grip. But they grabbed my wrist tighter, and pulled out a knife.

When I slapped their hand, the knife didn't fall out like I had planned. But the more I struggled, the tighter the grip got. 

Then they stabbed the knife right into my neck. I could feel and see the blood rushing out of me. And within seconds, I was down on the floor. And the last thing I heard was Emily calling my name.

Alex's POV

"Anna!" Emily cried as Anna fell to the floor. But I held her tight so she didn't come face to face with Ghost face. That mask is very scary too. Just going to be honest. "Let me go! Anna needs me!"

"No one else is dying today!" I shouted. "Alright Evelyn, the gig is up! We saw you on tape! Why have you been freaking us out?!"

"Surprise bitches. Evelyn was nearly a distraction. After I killed Soren, she was willing to do anything to defend her little boyfriend's death. So I paid her to do some of my dirty work. But I have no use for her anymore. Once you two are gone, my work is done. Here's the distraction." Ghost face spoke, pulling a tied up Evelyn in front of us. But then they immediately slashed her neck, killing her immediately.

"Oh my god! You are sick!" Emily shouted, throwing a sandwich towards the killer. What was that girl thinking? Using a sandwich to hurt them? Genius.

"I know I am sick sweetheart." Ghost face spoke. They put the knife in their pocket, locked the door, then took off the mask. And we were both surprised at who it was.

"Luke? Lucas Hemmings?" I asked, "But... you died a long time ago. What? I am so confused.

"It's called fake blood and make up. You have no idea how easyit was to fool Jordan. She thought I was wasted that night. Then I took place in the attic. Then Calum chased her around and killed her. Then when he demanded I stop doing this, I killed him in the woods. It was fun." Luke chuckled, stepping closer to us.

"But... why would you kill all of your friends? We all loved you." Emily asked, cuddling into me some more. I knew she was scared. I could feel her shaking, which was shaking my ribs

"Oh, you want a motive. Is that what you want? Then how about this. That little bitch never loved me. I have loved her for years. But she always rejected me. Then she would tell you guys that she rejected me. Then you would all laugh at my humiliation. I have gotten sick of you little brats. So I wanted to do away with you all. But I had to kill all the witnesses. Like Soren and your parents. I wouldn't want to get caught would I?" Luke explained, putting the knife up to his lip to play with.

"You are sick. You have seen too many movies. Movies create psychos." I growled.

"Oh Alex. Movies doing create psychos. I just watched a couple horror films for notes. I came up with this idea on my own. It was fun too. And I won't get caught. I have all the evidence pointing to Alex now. I have his iPod, home phone, and gun from under his bed. Everyone will know he did it. But I have a story planned out. I am dead, so I can easily move and change my name. But Alex went psycho. Which made him go on a killing spree. Then when he killed Emily, he realized he had no one left. So he shoots himself in the head. It's a perfect ending." Luke smiled, looking around for the knife.

Emily picked up a glass bowl once he turned around, and I was so curious on what she was doing. But right when I was about to ask her, she threw it right at Luke when he picked up the knife. The glass shattered on his head, making him bleed.

"Ow! Which bitch did that?!" Luke shouted, rubbing his head. But Emily grabbed another bowl and through it at his lower area. He immediately fell down, and I could just feel the pain from here. Then she pushed the TV off the table right onto his head. The screen broke, then electrocuted him to death.

"What the- Emily? How did you-" I was saying before she cut me off.

"I have seen scream. Remember the TV death?" She asked. She has good thinking skills.


"Then I pushed the TV right onto the killer's head." Emily smiled, telling the reporter everything. We were both being interviewed for the news on this whole thing since we survived this. And we didn't like it. But we did it anyway.

"Wow... that must have been horrible to go through. Losing your friends and family. It's rough." The lady spoke. Emily's face immediately went said when the word family was said. Then I remembered her parents were murdered as well. That stings. But then Emily ran off.

"Wait, Em!" I yelled, chasing after her. She ran right through the woods to the cemetery. Why did she come here? "Em, are you okay?"

"They are gone..." She began to cry, hugging me. All of the victims were buried together. So there was Anna, Marisa, Desirae, her parents, and all the rest of them. It was extremely painful to see.

"I know they are gone Em. I loved them too. They didn't like me, but we were all a group. We just have to move on. Holding onto it will just make it worse. We will get through this together." I sighed, rubbing her back. We both needed the comfort. I just can't believe we made it through this. We were survivors. But we did have a few screams through this whole thing.

(There is an epilogue, so read that as well. And sorry if this story sucked. And ignore grammar.)

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