Chapter 1

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After a long night of taking pictures at my friends wedding I got up to get ready for work.

I checked to see what time it was.

“Shit, I'm late!!!” I yelled.

I grabbed some clothes from my closet.


I rushed to take my clothes off and ran butt naked to my laundry room.

I threw a casual navy dress and green cardigan and a wet wash cloth in the dryer so the wrinkles can fall off.

In the kitchen I start my morning coffee and toast. Thankfully they was on a timer.

I went upstairs and to take a shower. I figured I brushed my teeth at the while I was washing up to save time.


10 minutes later I got out the shower and called my boss.

“Noel, where are you?!” he said.

“Driving. I'm stuck in traffic. I'll be there in 10 minutes.” I lied.

“Well, hurry up. I got good news for you.”

He hung up.

I threw my phone and make up in my purse.


Finally after getting myself together. I grabbed my computer, camera and my lanyard with my ID and flash drives and head out the door.

Just as soon as I left out I realize I left my purse and car keys. The door was still unlocked so I grab them and locked the door.

I put my computer and stuff in the back of my car. I went in and placed my toast and coffee in the cup holder. I took a quick glance at my house before I pulled off.

“Man, I got some cleaning to do.” I said to my self.

I was an hour late. I didn't realize traffic was going to be this bad all week but I made it to work. I drank my coffee and toast. I reached in my purse to grab some makeup.

I lightly fill in my eyebrows and did the simple eyeliner and mascara look. I put my hair in a messy bun.

“That should do.” I said.

My phone is ringing.

I knew who it was. I didn't bother looking at it. I close my eyes, hoping he wouldn't yell at me.

“Yes, boss?” I said.



I hung up.

I put some mouthwash in my mouth to get rid of the coffee smell. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the entrance.

A bunch of my coworkers came rushing to me.

“Hey, can you go over my report?”

“Mines too..”

“I need you for a photoshoot Saturday.”

“I need for a baby shower Noel.”

I waved a finger up at them. They pause and looked at me crazy.

I went to the bathroom and spat out the mouth wash.

“Busy gal huh?” a voice said.

“I must be in the wrong bathroom.” I said to the voice.

“Yep but don't worry, it happens. After all you had a long week." He said.

That's my bestfriend Todd. We've been friends since elementary school. He's newly married to his husband Josh. Josh and I new each other in high school. I hooked them up and since then it blossomed. I'm so proud of them.

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