01 | The feeling of nostalgia

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I walked down the streets of Lawless. Everything is pretty much the same to me. Going on with my usual routine--pick pocketing and stealing. 

"Oi, you stupid brat! Apologize to me! You just bumped my shoulder, you piece of crap!" A middle aged man gripped my shoulder harshly with his gnarled hand and sneered at me.
"Get your filthy hands off me." I spat. Imagining all those filthy germs on his hand being passed on to my shoulder made me slap his hand away before he could even reply. 
"You piece of shit!" He raised his hand and whipped it towards me.

I gave a mocking smirk and gripped his wrist before it was an inch close to my face. He let out a horrified gasp and his mouth was slightly ajar.

"I'm sorry, but what did you say?" I smiled sweetly, "I didn't hear you quite well."
"Let go of my wrist! Argh!" He pulled his wrist away and ran towards the opposite direction.

What a bore. I was hoping to have some fun.

I shrugged and turned around. I begin walking once more.



"Seriously, Avilio!" Corteo frowned, "she has been looking for you for 7 years! Now you don't want to tell her your identity?"
"No." I replied plainly, taking another sip from my drink.

It wasn't that easy. 7 years is a long time, and it's better for her to think that I have been dead all this time. I can't just go up to her, "hey, I'm Angelo. Yes, I disappeared, miss me?" Either way, I do miss her terribly. I want to go up to her, hug her, and apologize for everything, but now it's not the time. 

"YO CORTEO!" Someone swung the door opened, making Corteo flinch. 
"I told you to knock the door!" 

I froze and I stared at the girl standing in the entrance. Is this her? No, it feels unreal. She..she looks even more beautiful right now. God, she had really grown up. I felt like she just stole my breath away as my breaths became shorter. I wonder if she will ever recognize me. 

"You need to stop gawking at me. I can see you, you know." Her velvety voice interrupted my thoughts.

Shit. Was I that obvious?

"I don't have a reason to gawk at you." I replied coldly, turning away and taking another sip of my whisky.
"Yeah, that was obvious." She stated sarcastically, rolling her eyes while placing her hands on her hips. 
"Uh," Corteo cleared his throat awkwardly, "anyways, Avilio, this is Eloise. Eloise, this is Avilio." 

Corteo looked at both of us awkwardly. I shrugged in response, pretending to not care when I do. On the other hand, I could feel her eyes staring into my soul, as if she have figured out my whole identity.

"Liar." She blurted out.

Every inch of me froze. I widened my eyes, and turned to look at her. She was already staring at me, with her arms crossed together and a raised brow. Corteo gulped, and turned to Eloise.

"W-what do you mean, Eloise?" He asked politely. 
"His name is not Avilio," she narrowed her eyes at me darkly, "I know when someone is faking their identity."
"You must be wrong." I hissed.
"We'll see about that." She retorted. 

God. What a personality development. I almost wished she wasn't this too sharp. This could be dangerous. I do not want my real identity to be exposed quickly, and I haven't used the name, Angelo, for years.

After a long, awkward silence which felt like forever, she broke it.

"Theo," Eloise spoke, calling Corteo with the nickname she came up with when we were kids, "I'm going to a wedding tomorrow." 

Wedding? What wedding

"A wedding?!" Corteo exclaimed in a horrified manner, "don't tell me you're already engaged with someone!" 

I don't like the sound of this.

"Pft, don't be silly, Theo," Eloise grinned, "I'm attending a friend's wedding!"
"Whose?" I jumped into the conversation unconsciously.

She raised a brow suspiciously at me, wondering why in the world would I be interested in her conversation. Well, isn't it a coincidence that I'm attending a wedding tomorrow too? 

"My best friend's wedding. Her name is Fio Vanetti." 

Well, this will get interesting.

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