03 | Now I know

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Today is Wednesday. What a gloomy day it has been. Who am I kidding? It seems like it's rather invariably gloomy each day. 

Everything was normal after the day of Fio's wedding. I sneaked out at some nights to kill. It wasn't very pleasant, but after all, cruelty and selfishness are the basic foundations in this world. It makes me think how amusing, yet brutal this world turns us into someone we don't want to be. I don't even remember who I was before the world told me who should I be. 

Presently, I patted my black garb to flatten it. It was a simply dress; knee length with long sleeves. Of course, I wouldn't dress in a certain way for no reason. The mere reason I'm wearing this is to go to the cemetery. The cemetery. How odd it feels to play that word in my head.

The mere reason I'm heading for the cemetery to pay respect to those I once cherished. 

It's bizarre. How we were all put into this world, only to die at the end. To quote an ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, "life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides." 

Enough of frivolous thoughts. I should get going.


I catch myself following a familiar person after laying a bouquet of flowers on a tombstone. What in the world was Vanno doing? Isn't that Serpente too? 

I hid behind the trees as I watched Vanno standing in front of Serpente who was on his knees and handcuffed with ropes in front of a tombstone. I narrowed my eyes to make out was was written on the stone, but I could barely tell what was the first letter. 

The sun begin to rise above the horizon, and my gut feeling was telling me that watching this scene unfold in front of my eyes was a dreadful idea.

Vanno undid the gag from Serpente and spoke in an awful, cruel tone.

"Serpente. Start praying." He demanded.
"Please! I don't want to die! Please!" Serpente screamed in anguish, "I won't kill anyone ever again!"

Vanno pointed the gun towards Serpente. Why? Why did he hold a grudge against him? I supposed there were too many things I don't know; more like things I shouldn't  know.

"I'll cut ties with Orco and Fango," Serpente looked up at Vanno, "you're going to kill me in front of Tronco? You'll stain his grave with blood?" 
"Not gonna pray?" The other asked, not moving an inch.
"Don't do this! I don't want to die!" He screamed.
"I see."


Three gunshots were heard, and I blocked out my ears with my hands as I watched Serpente fall on the ground lifeless. I would say this is barbarous, but who am I one to talk? I'm a coward, hiding and spying on others.

"May God have mercy on your soul." Vanno mumbled.

Someone begin approaching Vanno from behind, and I widened my eyes.

No way.


"Vanno Clemente." The sharp voice pierced me. Why? Why was he here too? And most importantly, why was he holding a gun?

As Vanno turned around, another gunshot was heard.

Avilio shot him.

My body trembled, and I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't save Vanno. I couldn't save anyone. Is this really the Avilio I enjoyed my time with that day?

Vanno collapsed on his knees, clutching his waist and groaning in pain. Avilio walked towards him, never putting the gun down. The other man looked up at him with betrayal evident in his eyes.

"Who..are you..?" Vanno hissed.
"My name is Angelo. I'm the son of a man you killed; the son of Testa Lagusa."

My lips quivered as another gunshot was heard. Avilio was Angelo this whole time. That thought repeated in my head over and over again. I got up, stepping back in fear. Unfortunately, I stepped on a twig, causing Avilio's head to snap towards my direction.

That's when I begin to run with tears rolling down my cheeks as I sensed the world crashing down before me.

Avilio Bruno. Angelo Lagusa. Whoever you are, I hate you.


I created sins filled with the past, in order to remain as myself

Even though a signal is carved into my memories with an eternal knife, 

Wandering lost, I disappear into myself

In a spiral of bonds that erases even pain  

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