♡ Chapter Three ♡

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Song: Faint - Linkin Park... RIP Chester Bennington 

It's late at night and Nori couldn't sleep. Her mind is racing about the monk and the villagers. She considered every one of those people as a family yet they didn't hesitate to choose her to be sacrificed to Akura-ou. She wonders what Tomoe is going to do with her... Tomoe claims that he's friends with Akura-ou so will Tomoe kill her once he grows bored with her like Akura-ou does with the past women he stole?

"Nori," Tomoe said her name seductively as he crawled on top of her. They are lying on his futon yet Nori felt her body growing numb.

He forcefully opened the front of her kimono and her breasts are exposed to him. She immediately freaked out on the Yokai.

"Do not look at me! Don't do this! PLEASE!" She sobbed. Her body is trembling and her eyes are shut. She does not want to surrender her body to the Fox.

Tomoe stared down at her and he actually felt sorry for her. He lifted her body on his lap and fixed her kimono so she wasn't exposed to him any longer.

"Sh. It's okay... I won't touch you. I couldn't help myself, Nori," he confessed.

Nori didn't say a word but her body wouldn't stop shivering. He roughly did that to her out of nowhere... What has gotten into him?

"Go to sleep," he ordered in a whisper.

Again, Nori doesn't say a word but she felt her eyelids growing heavy and before she knew it, she fell asleep in Tomoe's arms.

*~*~*~*~*Bruised & Broken*~*~*~*~*

Nori sat on the floor and she has not spoken a word to Tomoe since he tried to forcefully have her. She has a gut feeling that he uses women for pleasure like Akura-ou does.

"Eat this," he commanded as he held a fish that he found in a river up to her lips.

She turned her head to the side to avoid it. "I am not hungry," she whispered.

Tomoe glared at her before grabbing her face with his claws. "Eat!"

Nori began to struggle while Tomoe effortlessly shoved a piece of the fish into her mouth. She started to choke but Tomoe made sure she ate it.

Nori gave up and took the fish out of his grasp so she can eat on her own but she wouldn't look him in the eyes and Tomoe grew angry. He has saved her from those villagers yet she is ignoring him?

"Why won't you look at me?" He asked in a grunt.

"Are you willing to use me then kill me afterward?" She tried to sound firm but her voice shook instead.

"No, of course not! I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry. I will not touch you like that ever again," he said in a whisper.

Tomoe desires her and forcefully opened her kimono last night but he couldn't help himself. He lusts for her and he never wanted a woman that badly before. He was used to the prostitutes being all over him and he thought he could easily have Nori too. He was foolish into thinking such things.

"You're like him, aren't you?" Nori shivered in fear. She refuses to look at Tomoe.



"DO NOT COMPARE ME TO HIM!" Tomoe shouted at her but he regrets raising his voice at her because she dropped the half-eaten fish on the ground. She then wrapped her arms around her knees to secure herself.

Broken & Afraid - PAST Tomoe X OCWhere stories live. Discover now