♡ Chapter Nine ♡

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Song: Pieces of Me - Ashlee Simpson 

It is late evening and Tomoe hasn't been himself. He's been lost in thought all day and Nori couldn't help but worry.

"I have to show you something," Tomoe muttered.

"Um, okay..." Nori's voice trailed.

Tomoe picked her up in a cradle and began to walk in the woods. She has no clue where he is taking her but she didn't fret. Tomoe has an important question for her and he wanted to take her to a special place to ask her.

Nori's eyes widened when she saw Sakura trees all over and the Sakura petals blew in the night sky from the wind.

"Wow, it's so pretty! I have never seen so many Sakura trees before!" Nori's voice rose in excitement.

She got out of Tomoe's arms and began to chase the petals that are flying everywhere. Tomoe stared at her in awe, loving how carefree she truly is.

"I have a question for you," he said calmly.

Nori stopped in her tracks and had her full attention on the Fox. "Is it a bad question?"

"No," he smirked at the worried girl.

"What is it then?"

"Would you like me better if I were a human?" He questioned sternly.

"I like you just the way you are... You don't have to change," she answered without hesitation.

Tomoe sighed. "Thank you for your kind words but if I stay as a Yokai then I won't live with you forever."

"WHAT?!" Nori gasped in shock.

"Well, in your lifetime I will be there for you but after you perish, I'll be stuck in this world without you," he explained.

"I see... I keep forgetting that you're immortal." She hung her head.

"It would be different if I turned into a human, though..." Tomoe gently smiled.


"Don't worry about it. I have a plan. You see, Nori, Yokai sometimes refuse to love because once they love someone, they can't easily get over them... If you grow old and die then I wouldn't know what to do... Mortals could easily find another to love and cherish yet it's very different for a Yokai. We could never forget whom we truly love," he whispered.

"Tomoe... Are you sure you would want to get rid of your powers to become a mere mortal?" Nori asked breathlessly.

"For you, I will," he answered.


Tomoe leaned in and pressed his lips against hers and she kissed him back desperately. He will give up his strong powers to become a regular human. He will still protect Nori from anyone and anything but he will also grow old with her and even start a family with her.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too... What is your answer? Would you want me to become human so we could grow old together?" Tomoe hummed.

Nori slowly nodded. "Yes!"

Tomoe hugged her tight as the Sakura petals blew around them. Tomoe is happy that she is willing to let him become human... He can finally live with her for all eternity.

*~*~*~*~*Bruised & Broken*~*~*~*~*

Tomoe and she are cuddling on his futon in his lair. Nori pondered if Tomoe has ever thought of becoming human before...

"What is on your mind, Nori?"

"Did you ever want to become a mortal before?"

Tomoe chuckled. "No, I never wanted to but after I met you, I considered the fact with full-concern."

"Really?" Nori embraced him and he didn't hesitate to hold her body close to him.

"Yeah, I will give up everything for you," he soothed.

"Are you sure, Tomoe?! I don't want you to regret it..."

"I won't. The only thing I will regret is losing you," he smirked.

Nori's cheeks grew red and she thanked the gods that it's dark in this room because she is truly embarrassed. He told her he would give up everything for her yet she would do the same for him because she loves him deeply.

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