♡ Chapter Four ♡

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Song: Lost In You - Three Days Grace 

Nori is playfully chasing a blue butterfly in the woods, next to Tomoe's lair. Tomoe, on the other hand, is watching her intensively. She is like a small, innocent child and Tomoe couldn't help but smirk at the thought of comparing her to a kid.

Nori kept chasing the butterfly until she fell on the ground and bruised her knee. She didn't show any reaction that she is hurt, instead, she giggled when the butterfly landed on her nose.

"Are you alright?" Tomoe is hovering over her.

"Oh, yeah... It's just a scratch... No big deal." She shrugged it off.

"Let me see," he ordered while kneeling down to be eye leveled with her.

"It's fine, Tomoe," she insisted but Tomoe roughly pulled her leg up and saw that her kneecap is scraped.

She blushed that he has a tight grip on her ankle but she gasped out loud when his tongue began to lick her kneecap!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP!" She shouted.

"Quiet, I am simply cleaning your wound. Relax," he said in a hum.

Nori struggled until Tomoe dug his claws a little into her ankle. She groaned and gave up yet she couldn't make eye contact with him. This is simply embarrassing for her...

*~*~*~*~*Bruised & Broken*~*~*~*~*

After Tomoe licked her wound clean, they went back inside the lair. Tomoe is drinking some sake while Nori kept watching him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"I want some!" She raised her voice.

Tomoe began to laugh. "One sip and you would pass out!"

"I would not!"

"Have you ever had sake before?" He raised an eyebrow.

Nori bit her lip and shook her head. "No..."

Tomoe chuckled some more but he began to think, if he gets her drunk then she will be all over him... All the drunken women get loose and touchy when they are with a man, so he wonders if it will be the same with Nori.

'Here," he whispered while pouring her sake in a small dish. He then handed it to her and she took a big gulp but the sake burned her throat, causing her to cough violently.

"Take sips," Tomoe smirked at the naïve girl.

Nori pouted but she did as he said. "Does it always burn your throat?"

"You'll get used to it," Tomoe answered before finishing his sake. He immediately poured himself another glassful as Nori stared at him in awe.

"Are you a lush?" She asked.

Tomoe snorted. "No."

Nori knew he was lying but she simply didn't argue with him. Instead, she kept taking big sips of her drink. She is already feeling lightheaded.

Tomoe leaned into her and felt her forehead. He chuckled when he realized she is already tipsy.

"What is so funny?" Nori snapped.

"Nothing at all," he said innocently.

Nori finished her drink and Tomoe didn't hesitate to pour more in her dish. He sat even closer to her, knowing she is slowly getting drunk for him.

Broken & Afraid - PAST Tomoe X OCWhere stories live. Discover now